What does "autoupdate" do?

Hello everyone!

I know the question sounds a bit dumb, but I couldn’t find detailed info about the ini file’s autoupdate property in the docs.

My team’s working on a powershell script, through group policy, that updates all our tools (released through pyrevit) automatically without having the users to click the Update button. Mostly because users never click that button. I don’t understand why, so I just decided I’m gonna work around the problem.

So what does setting autoupdate = true in the ini file do?
Does it just update the version of pyRevit? Or does it also update the tools?
Let’s say that I deploy our own Wombat toolbar through pyRevit as a separate tab. Would autoupdate update that too? Does it work for both .py and .cs? And would it update .dll that live in bin and lib in the extension folder?
And when does the update happen? Start of Revit?

If the docs for this exist, I promise I looked for them but couldn’t find anything and I’m sorry.

Thanks for the help!


Not necessarly replying directly to the question but you can use the startup.py file at the root of your extensions to launch the update process everytime a user fires Revit like so Pyrevit CLI explaination - #2 by Jean-Marc

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import os

os.system('cmd /c "pyrevit extensions update YourExtensionName --token="yourGithubToken""')
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Thanks for your reply Jean-Marc!

Yeah that’s an option too, but I’d be more interested in being able to change this config through command line so autoupdate made more sense.
Also, it’d be great if autoupdate also updated the pyrevit version.

Have you ever used autoupdate? Do you know what it does?


I’d also be interested in understanding what’s checkupdates doing and what’s the difference with autoupdate.
Struggling to understand without documentation.


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So from my understanding, the autoupdate will check for updates to repos that are listed in the extensions manager. I don’t believe it will update pyRevit itself. I am about to implement a bat file that will run the installer from a shared location so that we can control which version of pyRevit people will install/update to - we’re currently on 4.8.4 for most people and we want to test new versions for a week or so before we push to everyone.

This bat file would be run from the startup.py and compare the installed version of pyRevit and what is written down in a txt file. We do the same with desktop connector and potentially Revit itself.