Release date Pyrevit 2025

when will Pyrevit release for Revit 2025. Just because I need it as soon as possible.

Thanx for the update.

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Hi @Mystac , welcome to the community.

Pyrevit is an open source project run by volunteers that invest their free time to maintain it and try to handle bugs and requests from the community.

Unfortunately the creator and lead developer of pyrevit can’t invest his time to perform the transition, so we (well, mostly @dosymep, i can’t take credit for this) had to learn about the ins and out ot the project code (it’s not that simple, believe me) and try to upgrade it to make it compatible with the new .net8 framework that runs revit 2025.
We ran into some issues, and we can’t estimate a release date since, as I mentioned before, we’re volunteers and use our free time.

If you really need it, you’re welcome to help us make this happen, both with coding or with financial support


Hi @sanzoghenzo

thanx for your message and explanation about the new .net8 framework that runs revit 2025. I hope you will soon release a new version of Pyrevit that’s works correctly with the new .net8. Just let me know how the work on the new pyrevit goes and keep me in touch about this.

You can find the discussion of our progress here:

Shout-out to @dosymep , the main contributor of this epic change!


Hi Sanzoghenzo,

First thanks for the link and so I can follow the progress.
Now I saw that Py-revit runs on 2025 on the link. Will there be a new release when it’s possible?

Hi @Mystac,

my previous statement still holds true:

Speaking of myself, I have enough deadlines at work, so I don’t make promises for things that I do in my free time.
I don’t even own a copy of Revit 2025, so I can’t properly test if it’s working.

To sum up: It will be ready when it’s ready :wink:

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@sanzoghenzo thnx for you’re answer and I mean its a good progress and I hope there will be more good news soon… good luck with you’re work and the deadlines.

How can I help with code

@Edchar do you know C#/python/engines?
Have a look at Dosymep PR on the repo to get started

What is the best way to get notified when pyrevit for Revit 2025 does come out?

Subscribing this PR netcore by dosymep ¡ Pull Request #2088 ¡ pyrevitlabs/pyRevit ¡ GitHub
or be on the lookout of the forum. We will announce it here too.

So out of massive curiousity: when Autodesk releases a new version, what has to be done to make it that version compatible?

I read into the docs so I get api changes, but besides those: what else needs to be done?
I can imagine ctrlc ctrlv the .csproject and rebuild tadaaaa won’t cut it.

Love to read the things needed to be done :heart:

update all dependencies to the new version of the framework, and update the code if the API has been changed in the new version of the framework

Ah, and the framework (assuming you are refurring to a .net framework?) is always newer with a new Revit version?

Makes me understand stuff a little bit better :slight_smile:

Not always, in fact, it has stayed the same (4.8) for a bunch of versions.

The problem we’re facing now is the switch to a “completely” ( it is not, butit feels like) incompatibile framework (they have delayed the switch for a long time, but it is inevitable now in order to stay up to date) so many things needs to be checked.

The good thing is that, the next framework updates will be easier :sweat_smile:


Hahaha. Bet. And much appreciation you guys doing that!

A good result requires time and effort. And as I only have one tiny tiny addon made in c# I can only imagine the struggle to grasp a full revamp.

Keep it up!

I enjoy these little behind the scene info. I guess #codinglover is applicable to me :slight_smile:

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