Pyrevit and excel

Hi Forum,

i’m lookin for a way to read and write to excel in pyrevit (ironpython).
I know there is the csv functionality implemented, but not excel as far as i can find.
The only thing i know of is file selection with the .forms.

I found some info on using Cpython and openpyxl.
Problem whit this is that the pyrevit librarie isn’t working in Cpython for me.

Any expierences on this?

Hi @AlexanderVDB
have you tried the ‘builtin’ module pyRevit/site-packages/xlsxwriter at master · eirannejad/pyRevit · GitHub


thx @Jean-Marc, your always the man with a plan!
i’ll give it a shot, it seems exaclty what i was looking for.

1 Like

Also look at IronPython and interop.
Doesn’t work with CPython but you can dive into Excel a little farther than with other approaches.
For instance - my reports come out filly formatted with fun colors, proper column spacing and fonts. runs a little slower, but worth the few seconds.

excelTypeLibGuid = System.Guid("00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
from Excel import Application
from Excel import *
excel = Application()

clr.AddReferenceByName('Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' )
from Microsoft.Office.Interop import Excel
from Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel import ApplicationClass
from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal

Hello everyone,

In the good spirit of sharing knowledge :smiley: , here are the Cypthon and Ironpython version of a simple script I made to test the excel reading application.

I think they are easiest to read/understand and directly use the excel api so there are plenty of possibilities to extend. That’s the idea in my head right now :wink: … will find out if it is true :slight_smile: !

One thing I did find with the Cpython version is that excel opens slower and this seems to cause a crash in the script because it cannot read out immediately. Any ideas on how to prevent this?


#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import clr
import System
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog

from Microsoft.Office.Interop import Excel

def open_excel_file():
    # Create Excel application object
    excel_app = Excel.ApplicationClass()
    excel_app.Visible = True

    # Create an open file dialog
    dialog = OpenFileDialog()
    dialog.Filter = 'Excel Files|*.xlsx'

    # Show the dialog and get the selected file
    result = dialog.ShowDialog()

    if result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK:
        filename = dialog.FileName

        # Open the selected Excel workbook
        workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(filename)

        # For example, print the value of cell A1 in the first worksheet:
        worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]
        cell = worksheet.Range["A1"]

        # Don't forget to clean up when you're done:



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import clr
import System

from Microsoft.Office.Interop import Excel

from pyrevit import forms

def open_excel_file():
    # Create Excel application object
    excel_app = Excel.ApplicationClass()
    excel_app.Visible = True

    filename = forms.pick_excel_file()

    # Open the selected Excel workbook
    workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(filename)

    # For example, print the value of cell A1 in the first worksheet:
    worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]
    cell = worksheet.Range["A1"]

    # Don't forget to clean up when you're done:


@aaronrumple i’ll put your code through chatgpt if thats ok :slight_smile: .
But i like to ask humans also :wink: :smiley:

What are the first line and the Marshall import for?
Because i don’t seems to need those to make things work, maybe its this difference that causes my CPython to open excel a bit to slow?
I’m still quite new to programming in python ( or in any language for that matter) and trying to understand everyones input :slight_smile: .

@AlexanderVDB I tried the CPython version and it didn’t even work for me. Looking back at Jean-Marc’s response why not use the same packages that pyrevit uses to read and write excel files. They are both native python packages so the performance may be better.

Here’s some identical code that reads the first row and column and prints it out. Try it out and see if it works better.

#! python3
import os
import sys
import clr
import System
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog

PYREVIT_LIBPATH = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'pyRevit-Master'), 'site-packages')

import xlrd

dialog = OpenFileDialog()
dialog.Filter = 'Excel Files|*.xlsx'

# Show the dialog and get the selected file
result = dialog.ShowDialog()

if result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK:
    file_path = dialog.FileName

    excel_sheet = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
    sheets = excel_sheet.sheets()

You are loading type libraies with the first two lines.

Some more info on Interop…
Interop Marshaling - .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn

IronPython and COM object… (Excel)
IronPython .NET Integration

Using IronPython and Interop

import clr
import sys

import System
from System import Array
from System.Collections.Generic import *


from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
import os

from System import Array
import time
from pyrevit import forms

# t = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application")
# excel = System.Activator.CreateInstance(t)

excelTypeLibGuid = System.Guid("00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
from Excel import Application
from Excel import *
excel = Application()

clr.AddReferenceByName('Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' )
from Microsoft.Office.Interop import Excel
from Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel import ApplicationClass
from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal

xlDirecDown = System.Enum.Parse(Excel.XlDirection, "xlDown")
xlDirecRight = System.Enum.Parse(Excel.XlDirection, "xlToRight")

doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
app = __revit__.Application
uidoc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument

title = doc.Title

#excel = ApplicationClass()
excel.DisplayAlerts = False

myexcelfile = os.path.expanduser('~\Desktop\\Revit Object Styles.xlsx')
fileexists = os.path.isfile(myexcelfile)
if fileexists:
    workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(myexcelfile)
    worksheets = workbook.WorkSheets
    exists = False
    for s in worksheets:
        if s.Name == title:
            exists = True
    if exists:
        ws = worksheets(title)
        ws = worksheets.Add()
        ws.Name = title
    workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add()
    ws = workbook.ActiveSheet
    ws.Name = title
    cell = ws.Range["A1"]

def WriteRange(sheet, data):
    rows = len(data) - 1
    ts = time.time()
    for i in range(rows):
        cellrow = i + 1
        xlrange = sheet.Range[sheet.Cells(cellrow,1), sheet.Cells(cellrow,11)]
        r = data[i]
        myarray = Array[str](r)
        xlrange.Value = myarray
    te = time.time()
    t = te - ts

def getLinePattern(graphicstyleid):
    if graphicstyleid.ToString() == str(-3000010):
        linepattern = "Solid"
        linepattern = doc.GetElement(graphicstyleid)
        if linepattern:
            linepattern = linepattern.Name
        else: linepattern = None
    return linepattern

def getCategoryDataTranspose(cat):
    cattype = cat.CategoryType.ToString()
    id = cat.Id
    bic = cat.BuiltInCategory
    if bic == BuiltInCategory.INVALID:
        isbic = "False"
        isbic = "True"
    name = cat.Name
    lineprojection = None
    linecut = None

    projectionId = cat.GetLinePatternId(GraphicsStyleType.Projection)
    lineprojection = getLinePattern(projectionId)
    projectionpen = cat.GetLineWeight(GraphicsStyleType.Projection)

    cutId = cat.GetLinePatternId(GraphicsStyleType.Cut)
    linecut = getLinePattern(cutId)
    cutpen= cat.GetLineWeight(GraphicsStyleType.Cut)
    linecolor = cat.LineColor
    r = linecolor.Red
    g = linecolor.Green
    b = linecolor.Blue
    lineRGB = "(" + str(r) + "," + str(g) + "," +str(b) + ")"
    material = cat.Material
    if material:
        materialname = material.Name
        materialname = "None"

    if cat.IsCuttable ==  0:
        cuatable = "False"
        cutable = "True"
    if cat.CanAddSubcategory == 0:
        canaddsubcategory = "False"
        canaddsubcategory = "True"

    parent = cat.Parent
    if parent:
        parent = parent.Name
        parent = "None"

    data = [cattype, str(id.IntegerValue), isbic, name, lineRGB, str(lineprojection), str(linecut), materialname, parent]
    dataB = tuple(zip(*data))

def getCategoryData(cat):
    cattype = cat.CategoryType.ToString()
    id = cat.Id
    bic = cat.BuiltInCategory
    if bic == BuiltInCategory.INVALID:
        isbic = "False"
        isbic = "True"
    name = cat.Name
    #builtincategoeyname = LabelUtils(bic)
    lineprojection = None
    linecut = None

    projectionId = cat.GetLinePatternId(GraphicsStyleType.Projection)
    lineprojection = getLinePattern(projectionId)
    projectionpen = cat.GetLineWeight(GraphicsStyleType.Projection)

    cutId = cat.GetLinePatternId(GraphicsStyleType.Cut)
    linecut = getLinePattern(cutId)
    cutpen= cat.GetLineWeight(GraphicsStyleType.Cut)
    linecolor = cat.LineColor
    r = linecolor.Red
    g = linecolor.Green
    b = linecolor.Blue
    lineRGB = "(" + str(r) + "," + str(g) + "," +str(b) + ")"
    material = cat.Material
    if material:
        materialname = material.Name
        materialname = "None"

    if cat.IsCuttable ==  0:
        cuatable = "False"
        cutable = "True"
    if cat.CanAddSubcategory == 0:
        canaddsubcategory = "False"
        canaddsubcategory = "True"

    parent = cat.Parent
    if parent:
        parent = parent.Name
        parent = "None"

    data = [cattype, str(id.IntegerValue), isbic, name, lineRGB, str(lineprojection), str(projectionpen), str(linecut), str(cutpen), materialname, parent]

def getCategories():
    header = ["Category Type",
        "Category Id",
        "Is BuiltInCategory",
        "Category Name",
        "Category Color",
        "Porjection Linetype",
        "Projection Pen",
        "Cut Linetype",
        "Cut Pen",
        "Parent Category"]
    dataout = []
    categories = doc.Settings.Categories
    for cat in categories:
        catdata = getCategoryData(cat)
            subcats = cat.SubCategories
            for sc in subcats:
                subcatdata = getCategoryData(sc)
    dataout.sort(key = lambda dataout: dataout[0])
    dataout.insert(0, header)
    return dataout

def getCategoriesTranspose():
    header = ["Category Type", "Category Id", "Is BuiltInCategory", "Category Name", "Category Color", "Porjection Linetype", "Cut Linetype", "Material", "Parent Category"]
    dataout = []
    categories = doc.Settings.Categories
    for cat in categories:
        catdata = getCategoryData(cat)
            subcats = cat.SubCategories
            for sc in subcats:
                subcatdata = getCategoryData(sc)
    dataout.sort(key = lambda dataout: dataout[0])
    dataout.insert(0, header)
    d = tuple(zip(*data))
    return d

def getObjectStyles():
    objectstyles = uidoc.ObjectStyles
    return objectstylestyles

def rgbint(rgb):
    r = rgb[0]
    g = rgb[1]
    b = rgb[2]
    rgbint = 65536 * r +256 * g + b
    return rgbint

def FormatExcel(ws):
    count = 1
    with forms.ProgressBar(title = 'Well hold on. This will take a second...', steps=10) as pb:
        ws.Range("A1:K1").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
        r = 192
        g = 192
        b = 192
        ws.Range("A1:K1").Interior.Color = 65536 * r +256 * g + b
        ws.Columns.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
        ws.Columns("B:D").HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight
        ws.Columns("I").HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft
        colorcount = ws.Range("E1").End(xlDirecDown).Row
        colorrange = ws.Range("E1:" + "E" + str(colorcount))
        for c in colorrange:
            rgb = c.Text
            rgb = rgb[1:]
            rgb = rgb[:-1]
            rgb = rgb.split(",")
                rgb = list(map(int, rgb))
                rgb = rgbint(rgb)
                rgb = None
            if rgb is not None:
                c.Interior.Color = rgb
                if rgb == int(0):
                    c.Font.Color = 16777215
                elif rgb < 2210752:
                    c.Font.Color = 16777215
                # else:
                #     c.Font.Color = 0
        isbiccount = ws.Range("C1").End(xlDirecDown).Row
        isbicrange = ws.Range("C1:" + "C" + str(isbiccount))
        for c in isbicrange:
            if c.Value() == "False":
                myrow = ws.Range("A" + str(c.Row) + ":" + "D" + str(c.Row))
                myrow.Interior.Color = 12632256
                myrow = ws.Range("F" + str(c.Row) + ":" + "K" + str(c.Row))
                myrow.Interior.Color = 12632256
        pb.update_progress(count, isbiccount)
        count = count + 1

categorydata = getCategories()

WriteRange(ws, categorydata)

#excel.Visible = True

    "We're all done here. Have a Nice day. Click me for your Excel.",
    title = "Otto Form 1.0",
    appid ="Otto Pilot",
    click = "",
        "Open Excel":myexcelfile

i’m only a novice in these thing so i tried understanding and digging in the code from Jean-Marc but i could not get my head wrapped around it. I found some code that use these ( i think it was from Aaron? in the export schedule tool?)

This wasn’t meant disrespectfull towards Jean-Marc his work and input but the code (module/api) is abit above my head in how i need to use it or read it.
That was really the only thing, i don’t won’t to bother everyone to much with my learning so i went for the solution i posted.

Are there recourses for learning this better/easier?

@Nicholas.Miles thx also for your input on this and i will pick up on it after the weekend. i’m eager to see what i can learn further from it. The way your code looks “it seems simple engough” :slight_smile: … I just don’t manage yet to retrieve this myself from the modules.

Hi all,

I would also like to check the contents of an Excel (.xlsx) file within one of my PyRevit scripts. I came across this topic and I’ve tried all the various codes to try to load, but it either doesn’t work, or completely freezes my Revit. Would be greatly appreciated if someone could point me in the right direction. I’m using Revit 2023.

Several things to know to set you on the right path…
IronPython? Which version?

Interop can be slow. But the language is not far from .Net or VBA.
You might look at OpenXML as an alternative. Seems to be robust, but the it has its own language that can take a while to digest.

1 Like

Hi @aaronrumple ,

I’m using Revit 2023 together with PyRevit v.4.8.16. I’m using IronPython 2.7.11 (the standard settings basically of PyRevit).

As a second question then, is there a way to make PyRevit point at Cpython for some scripts?

Create Your First CPython Command

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Thanks all for the help and feedback.

I got it working perfectly using the Office Interop.

I found out that if you open an Excel file that way, using the default method, meaning write-mode, and exit the script before the script is at the “Workbook”.Close() statement, it keeps the Excel file open, in the background as read and write, thus when you’re trying to run the script again, the file is already open, and it freezes/ waits until the workbook is available.

When I open the script using a ReadOnly=True statement, it works everytime!

workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(excel_file_path, ReadOnly=True)

Workbooks.Open method (Excel) | Microsoft Learn