Back πŸ’° pyRevit to support its development

Following this move, quite a lot happened

Right now, we have quite a few plans ongoing, they involve more time than most of the contributors have. This is one of the reason we created the open collective for pyrevitlabs, host of pyrevit.

So if you love the tools, the framework it provides to create amazing functionalities to complement Revit, now is a good time for you or your company to back and support the project and its contributors so that we can ship in a timely manner:

  • Support for Revit 2025 (and the .NetCore shift, and yes Autodesk Community you can financially back this project too :star: ) and @dosymep has been hard working on this task.
  • Add new tools (and you or your company could sponsor those tools and get your name in there :star_struck: )
  • Fix more bugs
  • Tidy up the code base
  • Improve the documentation of the code base
  • Finish up the website
  • And why not hire coders to get things done faster :sparkles:
  • Create bounties

Even if you cannot financially contribute, please do spread the word: original post