Got this question today exchanging with someone (it’s too late for me to look for the name, but I think this was Justin…) on the forum.
This is a good question, and unless you are a forum contributor or very keen into reading into GitHub issues on the repo, you wouldn’t know.
The plan is to make an official release of pyrevit 5 next week.
Some PRs needs some tidying and testing before I press the button.
Pyrevit has been ready for Revit 2025 for close to 6 months (thanks to Olzhas @dosymep and @sanzoghenzo , but we were so willing to get everything fixed that we refrained from releasing.
By fixing, I meant, .net core compatibility for Revit 2025, code cleaning, some refactoring, annoying long standing bug, Dll hell, loading sequence mess, new engines, config file concurrent access, certificate renewal with new rules and new ways of signing, you name it.
From all of that, a lot has been done but not all.
All done by enthusiasts, volunteers, smart people.
So yes, I will press the button next week, but also urge you (and your firm) to consider donating.
The account shows 5000 USD, and I am envisioning to raise 10x more to be able to hire a professional C# dev, ideally part time (maybe someone from the community) to be able to tackle the refactoring of the core of pyrevit into C# which will save us from so many headaches and issues. That, is the plan!
After the release, I will work with my buddies to put the plan on paper, in the meantime, if your firm is using pyrevit in an industrious way, now is a good time to pitch in to ensure pyrevit future is bright and bold.
Now that you know, it is time to return the favor…
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