I would like my users to have an option of an Autosave… I would like to use an async task to kick in and save the doc at a user defined time.
My code all seems to run fine apart from the sleep part… I’ve done various versions, this one has Sleep in it, others using DispatchTimer. Seemingly i am getting a bit caught between ironpython and cpython with some bits working in some and not in others… Would anyone have a suggestion as to why it isn’t working?
(I am saving a little file to help the code know whether to start or stop, I would prefer to pull the current icon state, but it didn’t seem available to me).
Any thoughts welcome!
import os
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog
from pyrevit import forms, revit, HOST_APP, script
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import IExternalEventHandler, ExternalEvent
import clr
from System.Threading import Timer, TimerCallback
# Define the file path for storing the auto-save state
STATE_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'auto_save_state.txt')
# Function to read the auto-save state from the file
def read_auto_save_state():
if os.path.exists(STATE_FILE_PATH):
with open(STATE_FILE_PATH, 'r') as file:
return file.read().strip() == 'True'
return False
# Function to write the auto-save state to the file
def write_auto_save_state(state):
with open(STATE_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file:
file.write('True' if state else 'False')
# Flag to track auto-save status (only for this session)
auto_save_on = read_auto_save_state()
auto_save_timer = None
uiapp = HOST_APP.uiapp
doc = revit.doc
button = None
# External event handler for performing auto-save
class AutoSaveHandler(IExternalEventHandler):
def __init__(self, doc):
self.doc = doc
def Execute(self, app):
TaskDialog.Show('AutoSave', 'Document saved!')
except Exception as e:
TaskDialog.Show('Error', str(e))
def GetName(self):
return "AutoSaveHandler"
# Create an instance of the handler and external event
auto_save_handler = AutoSaveHandler(doc)
external_event = ExternalEvent.Create(auto_save_handler)
# Function to initialize button icon based on auto-save state
def __selfinit__(script_cmp, ui_button_cmp, __rvt__):
global auto_save_on
global button
button = ui_button_cmp
button_icon = script_cmp.get_bundle_file('on.png' if auto_save_on else 'off.png')
ui_button_cmp.set_icon(button_icon, icon_size=script.ICON_MEDIUM)
# Function to handle the timer callback (this replaces the Elapsed event)
def on_timer_elapsed(state):
external_event.Raise() # Raise external event to save the document
# Function to start the timer for auto-saving
def start_auto_save_timer(interval_minutes):
global auto_save_timer
interval_ms = interval_minutes * 60 * 1000 # Convert minutes to milliseconds
auto_save_timer = Timer(TimerCallback(on_timer_elapsed), None, interval_ms, interval_ms)
# Function to stop the auto-save timer
def stop_auto_save_timer():
global auto_save_timer
if auto_save_timer is not None:
auto_save_timer = None
# Function to toggle the save process
def toggle_auto_save():
global auto_save_on
auto_save_on = not auto_save_on # Toggle the state
write_auto_save_state(auto_save_on) # Save the state to the file
if auto_save_on:
# Get the time interval in minutes from the user
text = forms.ask_for_string(default='15', prompt='Enter time in minutes:', title='Autosave Set Interval')
if text is not None and text.isdigit():
minutes = int(text)
TaskDialog.Show('Error', 'Invalid input. Please enter a number.')
return False
TaskDialog.Show('AutoSave', 'Auto-save is now ON.')
start_auto_save_timer(minutes) # Start the timer
return True # Returning True when auto-save is ON
TaskDialog.Show('AutoSave', 'Auto-save is now OFF.')
stop_auto_save_timer() # Stop the timer
return False # Returning False when auto-save is OFF
# Main execution - Runs only when the script is executed (button clicked)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Toggle auto-save and update button icon based on the new state
is_active = toggle_auto_save()
# Update button icon to reflect the new state