I am using a smart button. During selfinit the icon is set with this function: ui_button_cmp.set_icon(path_to_image, icon_size=32)
And then when the user hanges the button state (by clicking on it) i use this code: script.toggle_icon(new_state)
So that default “on.png”/“off.png” icons are used. And everything works fine, but the button becomes smaller:
Is there a way to specify the size i want? I mean is it accessible through “script” namespace? Because after the button is initiated, there is no longer acces to button’s ui guid.
I don’t see your code and don’t use this feature but, maybe try to return on.png ui button or maybe your script processing all the time after pick and you should swich off the whole process?
Here’s a piece of scipt.py file, which is contained in swing_direction.smartbutton folder:
import pickle as pl
import os.path as op
from pyrevit import script
#this function is called when the Revit app starts:
def __selfinit__(script_cmp, ui_button_cmp, __rvt__):
#here i'm getting current_state variable (True or False) to define
#whether the button should be activated or not
with open(get_datafile(), 'rb') as f:
current_state = pl.load(f)
if current_state:
path_to_image = op.join(op.dirname(op.realpath(__file__)),"on.png")
ui_button_cmp.set_icon(path_to_image, icon_size=32)
#this happens when the button is pressed:
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(get_datafile(), 'rb') as f:
current_state = pl.load(f)
new_state = not current_state
Also: when i am initiating the button as usual (with no ui_button_cmp.set_icon(path_to_image, icon_size=32)), the result is the same: after script.toggle_icon(new_state) the icon just gets smaller.
I’ve tried to make the icon size bigger (128x128px), but i’ve started getting such Warning:
**WARNING** [pyrevit.coreutils.ribbon] Icon file is too large. Large icons adversely affect the load time since they need to be processed and adjusted for screen scaling. Keep icons at max 96x96 pixels: Z:\__StandardyBIM\07_pyExtensions\pyPlus3.extension\pyPlus3.tab\P3_Doors&Windows.panel\swing_direction.smartbutton\on.png
Have you tried to reuse the code behind the MinifyUI for example to try with your on/off icons?
I did try it myself in a stack and in a regular position with no issue.
The main difference I noticed with your code is the use of ICON_MEDIUM sizing:
I didn’t work with ICON_MEDIUM, and it’s weak that script.toggle_icon(new_state) doesn’t have icon_size argument, so i’ve written my own function to toggle button state, which basically is a copy of native pyrevit’s function:
def change_button_state(new_state):
all_buttons = script.get_all_buttons()
if new_state==True: button_file_name = "on.png"
else: button_file_name = "off.png"
for uibutton in all_buttons:
path_to_image = op.join(op.dirname(op.realpath(__file__)),button_file_name)
uibutton.set_icon(path_to_image, icon_size=ICON_LARGE)