Routes module - are Transactions possible?

I am exploring the routes module. It is fairly time consuming as it requires a full restart of Revit. I think I have hit a road block with Transactions.

The start up script.

# first import the routes module
#from update_element import update_element_parameter_value
print("Start Up Routes")

from pyrevit import routes, DB,forms
from pyrevit.routes import Request
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, StorageType
import sys
#from update_element import update_element_parameter_value

api = routes.API('revit')

def get_doors(doc):
    """Find doors in active model"""
    doors = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\
    doors_data = ["Pass","this","data"]
    forms.alert('Door Route Triggered')
	# create response and return
    return routes.make_response(data=doors_data)

def update_data(request: Request):
    """Update element parameter value from POST request"""
    # Access the active document
    doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
    # Start a transaction to modify the document
        # Begin the transaction
        with Transaction(doc, "Update Parameter Value") as transaction:
            print("Inside Transaction")

            data =


            return routes.make_response(data=data)
    except Exception as e:
        # Roll back the transaction in case of an error
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        return routes.make_response(data={"error": str(e)}, status_code=500)

This is the script I am using to trigger the url

import requests
import json

# URL for the pyRevit route
url = 'http://<LOCAL_IP>:48884/revit/update'

data = {
    "Interger": 3321,
    "String": "Data is passed",
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

response =, json=data, headers=headers)

# Print response

I posted the errors to ChatGPT:

On other attempts I got errors that ChatGPT outlined other transaction issue, to do with multithread transaction vs main thread.

Transaction timing is well outside my experience level. Can anyone inform if it is possible to use the routes to call functions that include transactions?

Many thanks

Haven’t played with it for quite a bit.
Aren’t you missing a decorator before the update def ?

Transaction are supposed to be accessible.

Routes documentation

Thank you. I persevered testing and this is working to run transactions.

# first import the routes module
#from update_element import update_element_parameter_value
print("Start Up Routes")

from pyrevit import revit,routes, DB,forms
from pyrevit.routes import Request
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, StorageType
import sys
#from update_element import update_element_parameter_value

api = routes.API('revit')

def get_doors(doc):
    doc = revit.doc
    """Find doors in active model"""
    doors = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\
    doors_data = ["Pass","this","data"]
    forms.alert('Door Route Triggered')
	# create response and return
    return routes.make_response(data=doors_data)

@api.route('/update', methods=['POST'])
def update(doc,request):
    doc = revit.doc
    _data =

    with Transaction(doc, "Update Parameter Value") as transaction:
        print("Inside Transaction")
        data =


        return routes.make_response(data=data)

print("Loaded Okay")
import time
# Wait for 1 second
print("Waited for 1 second")