Revit Python Shell, update to Revit 2025, Revit .NET API

I was wondering if
anybody sees the necessity of updating RPS (Revit Python Shell) to the .NET API.
This is an essential tool for developing pyrevit plugins.
Daren Thomas answered on an githup issue
RPS not loading in Revit 2025 · Issue #159 · architecture-building-systems/revitpythonshell · GitHub
that he will not update it himself.
Does anybody with c# experience is planning on doing so?
Thank you.

The inactivity doesn’t look promising. As we’ve seen with just pyrevit going to Revit 2025 it’s been a huge effort so far.

If Revit 2025 is crucial to your business ops and pyRevit isn’t your platform of choice I’d suggest looking into learning C# and trying addin development. I made the jump about 4 months ago and would probably not look back when it comes to anything involving 2025. It took me a long time to do this, but I wish I’d done it earlier. CGPT-4 really helped me get started, don’t neglect AI as a copilot/educator.

I’ll likely begin covering the process on my YouTube channel around March this year, and have prepared a moreorless complete toolkit that will support or set the stage for many of my videos here:

I use a fair bit of commentary and there is a WIP wiki so maybe it will help in understanding the process of setting up and developing addins.


Not that many people around have the skills or the bandwith to do so.
@dosymep pretty sure this is something you would do in your sleep :stuck_out_tongue: or you have done already!

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I’d agree that C# really isn’t that difficult if one has a good grasp of programing concepts. I started way back with C# and VB.Net addins and working with VisualStudio connected to Revit, Excel adn the whole MS environment has advantages.

but it is the round-trip deployment that kills things in a small office. If I write something with a dll, it has to go to our outsourced IT for whitelisting. Then they have to install it. Then if I make changes (frequent) it is another round. To time consuming.

pyRevit hits that Goldilocks sweet spot. I’ve considered forking RPS as I use it a lot. But I think that is better done after ADSK settles on a PythonNET direction. And yes - it would be nice to have that integrated with pyRevit.


The pyrevit community has to hire a Pro c# developer then for updating RPS.

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why? Use Visual Studio code, add the ironpython stubs, keep a browser tab open to (revit)apidocs and install RevitLookup, and you’re set :wink:

Being a developer always fighting with the bureaucracy posed by the cybersecurity department, I can sympathize with this statement, but… if they are serious, IT departments shouldn’t even allow to install pyRevit in the first place, because of the very nature of python, and interpreted language that can do literally anything.

Again, why? RPS is not a part of pyRevit, and the rpw library (shippwd with pyrevit) already comes with a python console if you need to do interactive work

from rpw.ui.forms import Console


The funny thing is that I said exactly that when anyone bothered me with security considerations…
Same goes for .bat files, PowerShell, cmd, …
You want security: no internet, no network


I got my hands slapped long time ago when as an Autodesk reseller, I casually mentioned to ADSK that a dwg could be used to infect a whole network. (Don’t talk about fight club.)


What’s that motto again? Anything, anywhere, we are legion :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grin::face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:

Still have my t-shirt…

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Look into the ‘bundle’ system for addins. Saved me a lot of hassle.

Yes you will need IT to approve new dll’s, but honestly they should be reviewing any new .py you make as well according to their policies… i agree for SME it’s a hassle and most IT can’t read anything that isn’t powershell based.

As @sanzoghenzo mentioned, running IP2.7 is a massive risk. My IT team became aware of this a while ago and it wasn’t pretty. Defence clients outright rejected it.

I have written many tools using pyRevit, and honestly, I haven’t even needed to use the Revit Python Shell. Getting pyRevit to work with Revit 2025 has already taken a lot of time and effort from volunteers, so if it were me, I wouldn’t dare bother them any further. I will learn to adapt to what they have already provided me :sweat_smile:

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Ahh, didn’t know that, Thanks

you don’t always need admin rights for an addin, there are two locations in the appdata folder from where you can load addins:
%APPDATA%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins → addin bundles
%APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit whatever-version\Addins → whatever addin structure you prefer
both of these locations are read/write accessible to any user, so if you don’t have an installer that specifically installs into these folders you could just copy over the installed manifest files and dlls from another computer where it could be installed. don’t forget to “unlock” the copied dlls, though…

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…any DLL or other executable not on our whitelist is blocked. No matter where it is located.

Well, that seems like a strict policy. What tools do they use? I don’t think windows has built in functionality for this, does it?

It is.
For government project requirements. Not sure of the software.
But i think I can get into the US Treasury now.

DOGE. style :grin::rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:.