Revit 2022 & Revit 2023 last release does not load

Hello all,
Just join the forum!
I have recently installed the latest pyRevit release but it does not load and I have the below issue.

any ideas?

it is not the last release but my Revit, I have uninstalled the last and install the previous I had working before(pyRevit_4.8.15.24089_admin_signed) but have the same issue. Any ideas how to fix it?

Try these steps:

Uninstall pyRevit

Delete C:\ProgramData and %AppData%\ pyRevit and pyrevit-master folders

Move all Revit addins to a temporary location. Usual addins locations include:

[Reboot computer]

Reinstall pyRevit

Started each version of Revit confirming pyRevit successfully compiled at startup.

Move all Revit addins that were moved in step 3 back to their original location.
You may want to add them one at a time and start a revit session everytime to figure out which ones are causing the issue.