Rebar Visibility

I tried to make a script that will allow user to make rebars and fabric reinforcement elements visible or invisible. I get stuck to the part where i can’t set correctly in the cod the part witch make elements visible or invisible. Here is the code:

from pyrevit import revit, DB, forms

# Function to allow the user to select between Rebar and Fabric Reinforcement and toggle visibility
def select_reinforcement_type():
    # Create a list of options to be displayed in the dialog
    options = ['Rebar', 'Fabric Reinforcement']
    # Show the selection dialog to the user
    selected_options =, "Select Reinforcement Type", multiselect=True)
    # If user didn't select any option, return early
    if not selected_options:
        forms.alert("No option selected. Operation canceled.")

    # Ask the user if they want to make the selected elements visible or invisible
    visibility_option = forms.ask_for_one_item(
        ["Visible", "Invisible"],
        "Select Visibility Option"
    if visibility_option is None:
        forms.alert("No visibility option selected. Operation canceled.")

    # Get the current Revit document and active view
    doc = revit.doc
    view = doc.ActiveView

    # List to store selected elements
    elements = []

    # Collect elements based on the user's selection
    if 'Rebar' in selected_options:
        # Get all rebar elements in the model from the correct namespace

    if 'Fabric Reinforcement' in selected_options:
        # Get all fabric reinforcement elements in the model from the correct namespace

    # If no elements found, notify the user
    if not elements:
        forms.alert("No elements of selected type found in the model.")

    # Start a transaction to modify element visibility
    with revit.Transaction("Toggle Element Visibility"):
        for element in elements:
            # Create an element override in the current view
            if visibility_option == "Visible":
                # Override visibility of element to be visible in this view
                view.SetElementOverrides(element.Id, DB.OverridesVisibility(True))
            elif visibility_option == "Invisible":
                # Override visibility of element to be invisible in this view
                view.SetElementOverrides(element.Id, DB.OverridesVisibility(False))

    # Notify the user of the operation
    forms.alert("Visibility of selected elements has been updated.")

# Run the function

Can someone tell me what i do wrong?

You are setting your visibility_option variable to the text ‹visible› or …
What you want is to set it for a parameter, right ?
So you need to get that parameter by its name and then set its value

I want use view visibility state parameter to set rebar and fabric reinforcement to visible or invisible by using the unobstructed state


what you are looking for is this method: · Revit · SetUnobscuredInView Method

it exists in many different flavours, not only for rebar

it shoudl be used this way, but I haven’t tried it:

element.SetUnobscuredInView(view, True) # or False

Your metod helped me to achieve what i wanted. Thank you verry much.
Here is the complete code, feel free to used it

from pyrevit import revit, DB, forms

# Function to allow the user to select between Rebar and Fabric Reinforcement and toggle visibility
def select_reinforcement_type():
    # Create a list of options to be displayed in the dialog
    options = ['Structural Rebar', 'Structural Fabric Reinforcement']
    # Show the selection dialog to the user
    selected_options =, "Select Reinforcement Type", multiselect=True)
    # If user didn't select any option, return early
    if not selected_options:
        forms.alert("No option selected. Operation canceled.")

    # Ask the user to select visibility option, defaulting to "Visible"
    visibility_option = forms.ask_for_one_item(
        ["Visible", "Invisible"],  # List of options (only one can be selected)
        title="Set Visibility",  # Title of the dialog

    # If no option is selected (None), default to "Visible"
    if visibility_option is None:
        visibility_option = "Visible"

    # Get the current Revit document and active view
    doc = revit.doc
    view = doc.ActiveView

    # Initialize the element collector
    elements = []

    # Collect Rebar elements if selected
    if 'Structural Rebar' in selected_options:
        rebar_elements = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Rebar).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()

    # Collect Fabric Reinforcement elements if selected
    if 'Structural Fabric Reinforcement' in selected_options:
        fabric_reinforcement_elements = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_FabricReinforcement).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()

    # If no elements are found in the selected categories
    if not elements:
        forms.alert("No elements found in the selected categories.")

    # Start a transaction to modify element visibility
    with revit.Transaction("Toggle Element Visibility"):
        for element in elements:
            if visibility_option == "Visible":
                # Set element to visible in the view
                element.SetUnobscuredInView(view, True)
            elif visibility_option == "Invisible":
                # Set element to invisible in the view
                element.SetUnobscuredInView(view, False)

    # Notify the user of the operation
    forms.alert("Visibility of selected elements has been updated.")

# Run the function

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