I’m currently writing a script to read from an excel file and match the data with specific values from the families in Revit. For some reason its updating the Dust Pickup family just fine but not the Dust Main Line Branch. The problem I’m running into is from the print statement:
Comparing Excel value: 1.0 with Revit param value: 1
Excel value 1.0 does not match param value 1
It’s having trouble reading from excel and matching with the values in the Revit family. The parameter its supposed to be matching with is “Branch Number” , Text unit, but even if I manually set the Branch Number to 1.0 it still doesn’t match. It’s very difficult to explain but I’ve be working on this for a long time and have no idea what I’m doing wrong.
Here’s the code:
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import Form, Button, DialogResult, Label, OpenFileDialog, FormBorderStyle, FormStartPosition, AnchorStyles
from System.Drawing import Point
__title__ = 'Update\nSchematic'
__doc__ = 'This Button Updates Dust Schematic OneLine, .'
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FamilyInstance, FilteredElementCollector, BuiltInCategory, Transaction, StorageType
import Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel as Excel
doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
class FilePickerForm(Form):
def __init__(self):
def InitializeComponent(self):
self.Text = "Select Excel File Path"
self.Width = 400
self.Height = 150
self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
self.MaximizeBox = False
self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
self.label = Label()
self.label.Text = "Select Dust System Sizing Excel File:"
self.label.Location = Point(20, 20)
self.label.AutoSize = True
self.label.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top
self.browse_button = Button()
self.browse_button.Text = "Browse"
self.browse_button.Location = Point(20, 60)
self.browse_button.Click += self.BrowseButton_Click
def BrowseButton_Click(self, sender, args):
file_dialog = OpenFileDialog()
file_dialog.Title = "Select Excel File"
file_dialog.Filter = "Excel files (*.xlsx; *.xlsm)|*.xlsx; *.xlsm|All files (*.*)|*.*"
file_dialog.InitialDirectory = "C:\\"
dialog_result = file_dialog.ShowDialog()
if dialog_result == DialogResult.OK:
self.filePath = file_dialog.FileName
self.label.Text = "Selected File Path: {}".format(self.filePath)
self.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
self.label.Text = "No file selected."
self.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
def get_detail_components(family_names):
view = doc.ActiveView
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc, view.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_DetailComponents).OfClass(FamilyInstance).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
components = [inst for inst in collector if inst.Symbol.FamilyName in family_names]
return components
def update_parameters(instance, parameters):
for param_name, value in parameters.items():
param = instance.LookupParameter(param_name)
if param:
if param.StorageType == StorageType.Double:
except ValueError:
print("Failed to set {} with value {} as float.".format(param_name, value))
elif param.StorageType == StorageType.Integer:
except ValueError:
print("Failed to set {} with value {} as integer.".format(param_name, value))
def match_excel_data_with_revit_instances(instances, column_index, parameter_names, ws):
matched_rows = []
for instance in instances:
for parameter_name in parameter_names:
param = instance.LookupParameter(parameter_name)
if param:
param_value = param.AsString()
for row_index in range(20, 121):
excel_value = str(ws.Cells(row_index, column_index).Value2)
if excel_value == param_value:
row_data = [str(ws.Cells(row_index, col).Value2) for col in range(1, 26)]
return matched_rows
def match_excel_data_with_revit_instances_string(instances, column_index, parameter_names, ws):
matched_rows = []
for instance in instances:
for parameter_name in parameter_names:
param = instance.LookupParameter(parameter_name)
if param:
param_value = param.AsString()
for row_index in range(20, 121):
excel_value = ws.Cells(row_index, column_index).Value2
if excel_value is None:
continue # Skip rows with None values
excel_value_str = str(excel_value)
print("Comparing Excel value: {} with Revit param value: {}".format(excel_value_str, param_value)) # Debug
if excel_value_str == param_value:
row_data = [ws.Cells(row_index, col).Value2 for col in range(1, 26)]
print("Excel value {} does not match param value {}".format(excel_value_str, param_value)) # Debug
return matched_rows
def main():
file_picker_form = FilePickerForm()
result = file_picker_form.ShowDialog()
if result == DialogResult.OK:
filePath = file_picker_form.filePath
xlApp = Excel.ApplicationClass()
xlApp.Visible = False
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False
workbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filePath)
ws = workbook.Worksheets[1]
family_names = ["Dust Pickup", "Dust Line Main Branch"]
instances = get_detail_components(family_names)
# Matching Dust Pickup data
dust_pickup_instances = [inst for inst in instances if inst.Symbol.FamilyName == "Dust Pickup"]
matched_pickup_rows = match_excel_data_with_revit_instances(dust_pickup_instances, 2, ["dustPickUpNumber"], ws)
# Matching Dust Line Main Branch data
dust_line_main_branch_instances = [inst for inst in instances if inst.Symbol.FamilyName == "Dust Line Main Branch"]
matched_branch_rows = match_excel_data_with_revit_instances_string(dust_line_main_branch_instances, 15, ["Branch Number"], ws)
transaction = Transaction(doc, "Update Parameters")
for row_data in matched_pickup_rows:
parameters = {
"dustDescription": row_data[0],
"Diameter": row_data[2],
"dustCFM": row_data[9]
for instance in dust_pickup_instances:
if instance.LookupParameter("dustPickUpNumber").AsString() == row_data[1]:
print("Updating parameters for Dust Pickup instance with dustPickUpNumber: {}".format(row_data[1]))
print("New parameter values: {}".format(parameters))
update_parameters(instance, parameters)
for row_data in matched_branch_rows:
parameters = {
"CFM2": row_data[21],
"FPM2": row_data[24],
"numDiameter": row_data[23]
for instance in dust_line_main_branch_instances:
if instance.LookupParameter("Branch Number").AsString() == row_data[14]:
print("Updating parameters for Dust Line Main Branch instance with Branch Number: {}".format(branch_number))
print("New parameter values: {}".format(parameters))
update_parameters(instance, parameters)
print("No file selected or operation canceled.")
if __name__ == "__main__":