Pyrevit.forms with C#

Is there no way to utilize the pyrevit forms using C#? I’m assuming no since the code behind is all python, but not sure if this exposed somehow for use in C# scripts.

I ended up recreating the warning bar and and progress bar from scratch in C# so I can maintain a consistent feel across our hybrid ribbon, but this was my first time ever doing anything useful with XAML so I mostly stumbled around blindly until I face planted into a working solution. Not looking forward to doing same for select from list

Same with the Linkify buttons in the output window… I know I can print debug output to the output window using pyrevitlabs.Nlog from C# scripts, but haven’t looked into what features would be available beyond this.

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LOL @Jean-Marc I’m hoping that face means I’m an idiot and there a simple way to do this that isn’t documented anywhere…

I wished but I doubt it.
Honestly, hard work with some LLM help is the best there is to offer, I think