PyRevit Darkmode, text color R24


I am trying to implement the darkmode of Revit 24 in my PyRevit toolbars.

As you can see the icons are coming along fine with the icon for dark mode.
My question is:
Is it posible to edit the panel text colour in darkmode?
Or as an alternative edit the tab color for darkmode?
The white text just is not very readable this way.

not by default, please fill in a feature request on the github repo for that.

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Hello @MelleH,
May I ask how you were able to change the colours of each of the panels’ titles? I’m struggling to find which thing i need to edit. Thank you.


Inside the .panel folder you need to have a bundle.yaml.
that folder needs to contain:

  title: '#c2ffc3'

You can edit the color code as you see fit.
Below an example of how my folder structure is;

- AddCircuits
- CircuitEdit
- CheckCircuits
- ">>>"
- Pulldown
  title: '#ffb0b0'


You should have a look in the developer docs. A lot of usefull things in there.
This specific part is located in the link below.


Thank you, Melle! That is super helpful :slight_smile:

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