pyNavis - python wrapper for Navisworks

pyRevit is effective; in less than a month, I have created four tools. Can we anticipate pyNavis to facilitate plugin creation within Navisworks?

No, you can’t. That would be a pretty different project.
Feel free to start building it.
It would be close to:

based on @eirannejad work with GitHub - pyrevitlabs/NavisPythonWrapper: Python Wrapper for Navisworks API (Work in progress)

Right now, our main focus is to get the beast (pyRevit) working in Revit 2025

Yes, Jean, it must be a distinct project. There are many Navisworks users who depend on paid tools, which I believe could be created using your tools if you decide to develop one. Currently, I have committed to $50 per month; I will increase it to $100 per month for lifetime and also encourage others to support your contributions financially. I know it’s not much.

and no worry, our commitment is not about the money, it is more about the challenge and the love of coding.

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