Potential Tool - Customizable Service Desk Ticket

Hello @Jean-Marc @sanzoghenzo @dosymep

I’m developing a simple tool that generates a mailto: link to compose a message for a service desk ticket. The goal is to streamline the process of requesting and providing support for various Revit issues. This tool is intended for use by a wide range of users, from small firms that rely on email support to larger firms that may use platforms like Zendesk.

  1. The tool lacks email functionality: it generates an email with pre-filled subject and body text only.

  2. Firms can tailor this tool using XML to add defaults such as hashtags and the support system’s email address. (Customization Menu using Shift + Click)

  3. It features a minimalistic UI for users to describe their issues.

  4. It collects essential information to reduce the back and forth between users and specialists."
    Sample information below:

I’m still working on it. I completed some tests, and it is 75% functional. The remaining polishing, along with some WPF forms and additional testing, will be done in 4-6 weeks.

If you think this is a valuable addition to the standard pyRevit toolbar, I’m happy to create a PR for you all to review.


I appreciate the will to share.
You could make it an extension and I could add your extension to the directory (or you could do it), but I am not sure including this in the standard tool set would necessarily make sense, but @sanzoghenzo and @dosymep feel free to contradict.
I thought about building the exact same thing at one point, but internally at work we relied on confluence and asana, so I just made a link to our Asana form

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This is a great idea. It would also be useful if it had the option to open a webpage instead, I’ve tested with FreshService and a properly constructed url will pre-populate text fields in a new ticket so it is possible to preload the ticket description with the Revit Document and System information.

If you already have this on Github I’d be keen to have a look and possible contribute, definitely willing to test and help with url side of it.

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Hi @maw-wam ,

I am 95% done. I just wired the UI xaml to the main script. I need few days to work on the config UI (shift +click) and I’ll generate a pull request for it.


PR is Live:
Add Helpdesk Support Tool by tay0thman · Pull Request #2532 · pyrevitlabs/pyRevit
I’d love if you can review it and contribute.

Apologies, I overlooked your comment.
In this case I’m more than happy to include it as part of my toolbar instead.

I’ll revoke the PR and I will share another repo (my toolbar) for forum members to participate.

no worry

Please do share

Hello @maw-wam

My Toolbar is here, feel free to edit or fork.
tay0thman/bimO: BIM extension tools for Pyrevit

it is full of half-baked stuff, so it is not ready for day-to-day use.

Helpdesk tool is functional in the link below:
bimO/bimO.tab/Helpdesk.panel/support.pushbutton at Beta · tay0thman/bimO


Will do. I’ve copied the helpdesk button into my development toolbar so I can see how it works.

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