The Certificate for code signing expired end of last year, AND, new rules from certification authorities, it was time for a new headache. As of today, all WIP installers are signed through Azure Trusted Signing. A lot of sweat to get there (many evening of reading, asking around, a looong evening of implementation going through Code signing on Windows with Azure Trusted Signing ยท Melatonin and finally a morning of debugging) but a fairly cheap and reliable solution is in place now.
The Certificate is under my name, Jean-Marc Couffin. I could not create an org / enterprise certificate because pyrevitlabs is not an org or a business, but just a small bunch of enthusiasts.
It seems to work great. Feel free to report any issue on the repo.
We just downloaded the latest release (pyRevit_5.0.0.25034_admin_signed.exe) and installed it. We can see that the pyRevit_5.0.0.25034_admin_signed.exe is signed by you, but the pyRevitLoader.dll is not signed. As you can see in the screenshot, Revit is complaining that the publisher is Unknown.