New Code Signing Certificate and implementation

:tada: New Code Signing Certificate and implementation

The Certificate for code signing expired end of last year, AND, new rules from certification authorities, it was time for a new headache. As of today, all WIP installers are signed through Azure Trusted Signing. A lot of sweat to get there (many evening of reading, asking around, a looong evening of implementation going through Code signing on Windows with Azure Trusted Signing ยท Melatonin and finally a morning of debugging) but a fairly cheap and reliable solution is in place now.

The Certificate is under my name, Jean-Marc Couffin. I could not create an org / enterprise certificate because pyrevitlabs is not an org or a business, but just a small bunch of enthusiasts.

It seems to work great. Feel free to report any issue on the repo.



We just downloaded the latest release (pyRevit_5.0.0.25034_admin_signed.exe) and installed it. We can see that the pyRevit_5.0.0.25034_admin_signed.exe is signed by you, but the pyRevitLoader.dll is not signed. As you can see in the screenshot, Revit is complaining that the publisher is Unknown.


Is it possible to get the dll signed?,

Oversight on my side.
Will do but later this week or the next, unless someone wants to edit the workflow file and make a pr