[new builtin extension] Bundles Creator Extension

Still on the develop branch until new release, you can also download one of the latest installer in the actions section if you are not git friendly yet, I added a builtin extension to allow user to create lots of different bundles of buttons:

  • pushbutton (home made)
  • pushbutton with config set up (home made)
  • urlbutton (home made)
  • content button (home made, recycled from my BILT NA 22 presentation)
  • invokebutton (from the existing sample in the dev debug extension)
  • dynamo button (one of my old script)

all bundles come with some basic code in it to illustrate some of the possibilities

It is easily extensible, you can create many in one go, add some to an existing panel in the same extension, or create a new panel

To see it in action:

The idea springed from this conversation: The art of laziness: bundle.yaml creation tip - snippets in vscode with @Archibum cheers


This is awesome! It’s amazing to see what someone who knows what they are doing can create!

who does not know entirely what they are doing all the time, but worked on it long enough to finally know enough ;p