I noticed that manually installing different versions of pyRevit is possible i.e it doesnt overwrite or remove the old version before installing the new one (in registry). Is it this intended? Im aware of the ability for updating pyRevit via the ribbon but I am creating a tool to manage software/plugins installed and noticed this with pyRevit.
Ive taken a brief look at the docs but cant find anything discussing this. When looking in the bin folder its clear that the dll’s are only for the last installed version but when looking at the registry and/or Apps & Features you can clearly see that it indicates both versions are installed.
I just need confirmation:
Is it possible to install several versions of pyRevit on the same user/machine?
If it is (unlikely due to what im seeing), is the reason behind this that different Revit versions might only support certain versions of pyRevit? Where are the dll’s for each version installed?
If this is not intended I assume this is something related to the installer, I can look into this and create an issue on github
I’m trying to figure out the right way to do it so I can install the 2025 compatible version for testing ‘attached’ to Revit 2025 without disturbing the version attached to 2024.
@Jean-Marc I am not sure if its intentional. I am purely talking about using the GUI installer. AFAIK the files are overwritten and only one pyrevit is actually “active” however the registry of the old version is not cleaned up so when looking at the list of installed software you see both versions while in reality only the latest version is the one with the dlls loaded.