August 8, 2024, 12:46pm
I’ve created a very simple Dynamo parameter :
When I try to use this script with Pyrevit, it doesn’t work. It’s only launching the parameter modification, but I can’t change the part selected.
My goal is to select one part, launch the script by a pyrevit button, and it applies the parameter changes on the selected part.
Any ideas ?
Is ‘Select model elements…’ node set as input?
August 8, 2024, 2:05pm
Yes. When I’m directly using this script in Dynamo. I click on “Select”, I chose the parts I want, I confirm, then I launch the script and it works.
But when I use a Pyrevit button, I don’t have this selection possibility
Just to make sure we are on equal footing. Sorry if I’m nitpicking, but did you set node as input so it would work correctly also in Dynamo Player:
August 8, 2024, 3:12pm
I confirm I did it. It works with Dynamo, Dynamo player, but not with pyrevit
Then I’ll have to send you to previous topic
Hi all,
I am aware there was a previous topic (called Dyanmo “is input” through pyRevit) on converting Dynamo inputs into pyRevit. However my dynamo code has 2 inputs, one is select the element you want to rotate and the other is the number of deg to rotate.
Is this possible?
And if it is how would it work?
Thank you for your help in advance