Missing tools in the Pyrevit Ribbon

I don’t know why or when it really happens, but I no longer have the basic tools in the ribbon. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Pyrevit, but nothing came back.
Missing tools

Anybody could help?

Hi @Nadia_Lory, welcome to the community!

I’m sorry you’re experiencing this issue! It feels really strange, but let’s see how we can troubleshoot this…

For starters, what Revit and pyRevit version are we talking about? The output of the pyrevit env command (written I’m a command prompt or powershell window) would be really useful to understand your environment.

Then, do you still have the extensions/pyRevitCore.extension/pyRevit.tab/pyRevit.panel folder and its contents in the pyRevit installation folder (it could be in the %AppData% if you used the normal installer or c:\program files for the admin installer).

And just to check: are all the other commands/buttons working properly, or do they throw errors?

I’m using Revit : 2023.1.4, Pyrevit : pyRevit_4.8.16.24121_signed.
The folder that I found : "C:\Users\Userxxx\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\Extensions = is empty. I didn’t found any other folder for pyrevit.

I think that anything else is here. Just the basic part of the ribbon is missing.

Same Problem in revit 2024.

Check C:/Program Files/pyRevit-Master, and see if you have an extensions folder there.

You can also check the pyrevit_config.ini at %APPDATA%/pyRevit and check:

Please provide us this info, it will be much easier to understand what’s going on

There should be also a C:\Users\Userxxx\AppData\Roaming\pyRevit\ptrevit-master folder (or a C:\program files\pyrevit-master one as @Jonn.O said); the extensions subfolder there should be not empty.

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