Managing Extensible Storage with pyRevit

I wanted to work with extensible storage in Revit and noticed there weren’t any tools for managing it in the pyRevit library. To fill that gap, I wrote a small library of utilities that simplifies the management and interaction with extensible storage.

You can check out the code and documentation below:

Hi @khorn06 , that’s great!

You could turn that repository into a library extension

and place the package in a lib folder

to make it available to all the other scripts.

Then, we can add the extension to to the UI for users to quickly start using it!

Do you mean just adding an extension.json to the repo?

Not quite, the json info will need to be added to pyrevit’s repo, but you repo should follow the structure of a library extension:

  • create a folder with the .lib suffix at the root of your repo
  • in that folder, create a bundle.yaml file to define the metadata
  • place your package in the same folder.

Got it. I’ll update the folder structure. Thank you.