Manage Keynotes Scare

Hi, all.

I’ve started using the Manage Keynote (MK) tool recently, starting on a small project, where it worked really well. We have now started to use MK on a large project (full MEP project, with around 150 sheets, perhaps 6-8 Revit users).

The issue: the project is young, so we only have about 4 keynotes (each placed multiple times on a few sheets so far). As I am about to place a new keynote (5th keynote now), the symbol shows up as usual on the plan, but the keynote schedule on the sheet does not update to show its description - only the number. Strange as it seems, the scary part is the next: on another sheet, where my coworker had placed 9 keynotes the day before, which were all the same with the same key and were numbered “1” in the keynote schedule in the sheet, 2 of her keynotes were stolen by my new key and its description - with no interaction from anyone.

What that means: out of her 9 keynotes from the previous day, 7 still said “1” on the plan, and still had her original key and description, and the keynote schedule showed the appropriate description she had, but now the other 2 changed their keys to the one I had just created, and now showed “2” on the plans, and the keynote schedule shows the description for that new key. Again, none of us did that.

Any chance anyone knows what the issue is and, if possible, explain how to not allow that to happen again?

I really like the MK tool, but with an issue such as this it could render the tool completely unusable. Imagine working on a project with tens or hundreds of sheets, with hundreds of unique keynotes used multiple times on all sheets, and then finding out near the deadline that many keynotes were randomly switched - utter nightmare for any Revit user.

Thanks in advance,


I can’t be certain, but the first thing I would check is if Revit’s keynotes numbering setting is set for “by keynote” instead of “by sheet”.

Thank you, @Rhettro.

Seems like a good thread to pull, but it’s not really what happened - all of our models are and have always been set to “by sheet”. The one project where this issue happened is still set to “by sheet”. Still, the fact that no one ever mentioned this has happened before or after tells me that this is probably only a local glitch, unlikely to happen elsewhere.

There is a silver lining, however - at least on my end. In trying to avoid this issue, I went back to using schedules for our keynotes and start testing the new (as of Revit 2023) “Filter by Sheet” toggle on the schedule property.

Now, not only can I have a single schedule for all my keynotes in my project (previously, this process required a separate schedule for every single sheet you had keynotes on, making managing keynotes a pain), but I have an additional level of control not provided by the Revit/pyRevit keynotes: we can maintain the order of keynotes that best fancies us and edit that order in any way we like.

Even if pyRevit’s manager never had a glitch like the one in this post, this level of control over the schedules/keynotes and the “filter by sheet” toggle addition makes schedules better than Revit keynotes (at least in my opinion). With that, I’m not sure I’m ever looking back to Revit keynotes :grin:

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Very informative. Thank you.