Keynote Manager Crash in Revit 2024

We have been using PyRevit Manage Keynotes for quite some time however since we upgraded to Revit 2024 from 2022 we are having an issue when more than one user is accessing the file it will lock the file and revit crashes for one of the users. I have tried creating a brand-new txt file with no locks etc however this still happens could anyone offer any advice?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


This is the config file
clones = {“master”:“C:\Program Files\pyRevit-Master”}

bincache = true
checkupdates = false
rocketmode = true
debug = false
verbose = false
filelogging = false
startuplogtimeout = 10
requiredhostbuild = “”
minhostdrivefreespace = 0
loadbeta = false
cpyengine = 385
userextensions = [“K:\BIM Resource\Revit\PyRevit Extension”]
user_locale = “en_gb”
colorize_docs = true
tooltip_debug_info = false

utc_timestamps = true
active = false
telemetry_file_dir = “”
telemetry_server_url = “”
include_hooks = false
active_app = false
apptelemetry_server_url = “”
apptelemetry_event_flags = “0x0”

disabled = false
private_repo = true
username = “”
password = “”

disabled = false
private_repo = true
username = “”
password = “”

disabled = true
private_repo = true
username = “”
password = “”

disabled = true
private_repo = true
username = “”
password = “”

disabled = false
private_repo = true
username = “”
password = “”

enabled = false
core_api = false

sort_colorize_docs = false
tabstyle_index = 8
family_tabstyle_index = 8
tab_colors = [“#FFF39C12”,“#FF2C3E50”,“#FF0000FF”,“#FF8B4513”,“#FFFFD700”,“#FF00CED1”,“#FFFF4500”,“#FF00FFFF”,“#FF9ACD32”,“#FFFF1493”]
tab_filtercolors = {}

last_window_geom = {“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\P17-153_Keynotes-Test-240423.txt”:[850.0,750.0,201.0,535.0],“Z:\P19-105_Food_Hub_For_Innovation\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240403_PyRevit Keynotes\P19-105_Keynotes(PyRevitkeynoteManager)_Unlocked.txt”:[850.0,750.0,141.0,2455.0],“Z:\22-0038 - Aberdeen Beachfront Projects\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20221005_Keynotes\P22-0038_Keynotes(KeynoteManager).txt”:[850.0,890.0,61.0,535.0],“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\L390H_Keynotes(PyRevitKeynoteManager).txt”:[850.0,750.0,201.0,535.0]}
last_postcmd_idx = {“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\P17-153_Keynotes-Test-240423.txt”:0,“Z:\P19-105_Food_Hub_For_Innovation\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240403_PyRevit Keynotes\P19-105_Keynotes(PyRevitkeynoteManager)_Unlocked.txt”:0,“Z:\22-0038 - Aberdeen Beachfront Projects\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20221005_Keynotes\P22-0038_Keynotes(KeynoteManager).txt”:0,“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\L390H_Keynotes(PyRevitKeynoteManager).txt”:0}
last_category = {“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\P17-153_Keynotes-Test-240423.txt”:“”,“Z:\P19-105_Food_Hub_For_Innovation\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240403_PyRevit Keynotes\P19-105_Keynotes(PyRevitkeynoteManager)_Unlocked.txt”:“”,“Z:\22-0038 - Aberdeen Beachfront Projects\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20221005_Keynotes\P22-0038_Keynotes(KeynoteManager).txt”:“”,“Z:\P17-153_Monklands_Hospital_Exemplar\06_Resource\Standards\Revit\20240221_TEST Keynote Fix\L390H_Keynotes(PyRevitKeynoteManager).txt”:“”}
last_search_term = {}

disabled = false
private_repo = false
username = “”
password = “”

The above description seems to be exactly what I am currently experiencing. I am using Revit 2024 and trying to use PyRevit Manage Keynotes tool for the first time. Seemed to work great for a single user, but when we tried to have 2 users editing keynotes, one was prompted to sync which was followed immediately by a crash for the user requesting the sync.

Seems like this problem is still going on Have there been any updates or fixes found for this yet?