ISOLATE elements + halftone other categories

Hello guys,
I would like to ask you if / how is it possible to achieve this goal…

I would like to “isolate” or “highlight in color” selected category (for example Parking) and all other categories would appear as “halftones”.

I am considering if it would be better to use existing “Highlight 2D” pyRevit script or existing “Isolate” pyRevit script for this.

I´m little bit lost in that so I would appreciate your help to edit these scripts to get what I need/want.
Maybe “Highlight 2D” script would be better for this one (it highlight in red color all 2D used in model) however I would like to add List to select what category should be selected and also I don´t know how to “haltfone” other categories…

Could anyone help me with this please ?

Thank you and,
Have a great rest of the day.

Of course it is.
But this is already a basic feature of Revit through the Visibility Graphics dialog box. (The big column labeled Halftone.) And of course that works with view templates.

So, the first questions are what are you trying to automate and what is the end goal? And what is going to make this better than Revit’s existing features?