I get this error when running the .invokebutton - saying it can’t locate the Community.Toolkit.Mvvm assembly even though the file does exist in the bin folder
I have also seen this error pop up if I use the Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf.dll reference.
I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts or opinions
Where are those DLLs?8 And where is the main DLL (the one that holds the logic to your tools)?
I think they need to all be in the bin folder. Although admittedly I don’t remember the difference from the lib folder and the bin folder.
If they already are there, you might have to load them from the startup script. Do you have a startup.cs or startup.py script?
In case, at some point in the Execute method (better towards the top obviously) you just load all the DLLs you need in your tools.
Something like this:
// load dependencies first
// NOTE:
// 1) we are reading the binary contents of the assembly file and loading
// from memory so Revit does not block the actuall dll file
// 2) loading of the dependendencies is required otherwise the script.cs will compile but
// will return error on execution since it can not resolve the reference to a required dll
// 3) The order of loading dependencies is actually important since they themselves have
// internal dependencies to each other e.g. Newtonsoft.Json is used in other dlls
// 4) no checks are done for dll existence so you need to improve this loop
foreach (string dependencyAssembly in new string[] {
Path.Combine(BinPath, dependencyAssembly));
Use LoadFrom so it surely loads the correct version from the folder (this blocks the dll so it cannot overwrite)
or this:
foreach (string wbAssembly in new string[] {
File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(BinPath, wbAssembly)));
So they are not blocked and they can be overwritten while Revit is on
Note that you can also use a combination of the two methods, in case some DLLs need to be version specific and not overwritten and if others need to be overwritten and so, cannot be blocked.