IfcOpenShell - How to start?


Does anyone use IfcOpenShell ? IfcOpenShell - The open source IFC toolkit and geometry engine inside and(or) outside Revit. Does anyone have ideas where to start?

From here :rofl:


I’m using it to build a toolkit for my colleagues, mainly to batch edit properties and property sets.
I used it outside of Revit, in fact it is slowly shadowing the work I did with pyRevit because of the versatility (BIM specialist can now check and edit properties on IFCs from various authoring software at once).
I didn’t do any geometry manipulation yet.

Not sure if and how one can use it inside Revit, you obviously have to use CPython. Some of the modules depends (optionally) on NumPy and Open CASCADE, but for most of the features you shouldn’t need them.

The documentation is pretty good now, and version 0.8.0 has a great typing support, especially for the ifcopenshell.api module that contains many time-saving functions (previously the api.run("name of the function") didn’t play well with IDEs autocompletion/IntelliSense).


I am using it inside Blender and the Bonsai add-on for IFC.