How to Contribute to the Cause?

I discovered pyRevit three years ago and like many, rely on it for many of its unique and useful features. Upon learning that it is 100% built and maintained by volunteers I felt guilty for not being able to contribute in any way.

However, I do not know programming at all. I have no idea how I would even be able to contribute. Are there any ways that those of us without programming skills to contribute to the cause?

Hi and welcome Jason,
This is a good first question and keeps me hopeful with human kind :smile:.
Don’t feel guilty.
I can see a few ways you could help:

  • spread the word
  • help answering question on discourse
  • help answering or triage github issues
  • help with the documentation (mostly clarifying/organizing)
  • make suggestion and help us implement them
  • contribute with $ (we haven’t used any of the cash in the pot yet except for the hackathon lately or for some expenses for the website, certificates, … but I really would like to hire a professional C# programmer at some point that could accelerate and fix a few things.)

I just answered with stuffs I could think of, but we have a contribution guide as well (mostly coder oriented with lots of old stuff)
Contribution guide

in general, you can find all the links centralized here

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