How to change cpython version (3.11)

Hi there,
I’m trying to use some external python packages which are only supported up to python 3.10.

  • Is the version of CPython determined by Revit itself? or just something that was chosen by the pyrevit team?
  • Is it possible to add a CPython engine for python 3.11 to my pyrevit install? If so, how?


Hi @radh-pmac, I choose to upgrade to the latest version possible (at the time I started to work on the upgrade for pyRevit 5) to align with the upstream active support lifecycle.

While technically simpler than with the previous version, it is still a burden to support multiple versions for packages that should have been updated to support the newer pythons.
I might have some notes lying around on how to add a new engine, I’ll get back to you when I find them :wink: