All versions of Revit, 2025 up and down, are supported, YES!
It has been the case for 6 months, but we were greedy and tried to fix as much as we could before releasing. Huge thanks to @dosymep
and @sanzoghenzo
New Iron Python Engines:
Default is 2.7.12
3.4.2 available (expect bugs as this version dropped some of the modules used by some of the tools)
Cpython is still not fully supported, the task at hand is way too big for our current manpower
New Code Signing Certificate with Azure Trusted Signing
In a bittersweet way the release delays also encouraged me to learn C# and migrate my companies tooling from pyrevit to inhouse addins, so an awkward thanks there also.
A lot of hard work and no doubt learning went into this process. Well done.
RE Dynamo forums i would only post it if the dyn capabilities of pyrevit are functional currently. We struggle a bit with taking some of the traffic there that should be coming to pyrevit forums lately.
That’s good, right ;p
Kind of the way forward for any computational designer (to give it a name)
We could not put any energy into this one. This will be something that will be resolved in the coming weeks eventually, if so, this will be a dedicated release.
I got access to the wealth of knowledge of autodesk devs through ADN not long ago. I will try to leverage it as much as possible to get it fixed.
A valuable contact for dynamo via python and/or c# in netcore8 is likely John Pierson. He has a similar project called Relay which runs Dynamo scripts from command buttons:
Thanks @Jean-Marc (And all the other Busy Bees) for the hard work and coordination of the new update, I’m pumped to continue my great delving of this beautiful REVIT extension.
I really hope we can make it work too. We are baffled as to why it just refuses to work on our Revit 2025. Tested on 3 machines in our company, Revit 2025 crashes everytime, even when disabling all other plugins. We currently have 2 IT people looking into it + our Revit guy + myself. I really hope and pray the gods that we can make it work ! I’ll send the journal files tomorrow