Hide Linked model categories?

I was wondering, would it be possible to create a script that is able to detect linked models and turn off a specified category?

For example, assuming I have explored all the traditional Revit ways of turning things on/off, can a script be written so that it can look at all the views and turn off all the matchlines/grids from all the linked models?

Probably yes.
the Revit API to handle linked elements visibility is new and not complete, it would work with 2024+

Maybe a better / manual workflow would be to play with view templates:

  • record view templates applied to every view,
  • edit them to ‘not take care of the linked elements category visibility’
  • create a template that does turn off categories in links and does just that, and apply it to every view
  • re apply previous templates

Bold stuff could be done in a script to get there faster if you have to do it on multiple models, if not, manually should be faster