Finish Floor Plugin Breaks when Setting Builtin Parameters

The purpose of this plugin is to be able to have the user select rooms, where their floors are assigned a finish floor based on already premade finish floors.

I had to update plugin code from 2022 to 2024, and this had me redoing snippet codes when it came to creating floors. In the past code, at the end of the floor making routine, we had to set our builtin parameters. This is where the code breaks.

def make_floor(new_floor):
    t1 = Transaction(doc, 'Create a finish floor')
    floor_curves = CurveArray()
    #Accessing room boundary property? and copying data into CurveArray
    for boundary_segment in new_floor.boundary:
        #Copy of curve to maintain intgretity especially since we started a transaction 
    #variables for the new floor
    floorType = doc.GetElement(new_floor.type_id)
    level = doc.GetElement(new_floor.level_id)
    normal = XYZ.BasisZ
    collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc)
    viewFamilyTypes = collector.OfClass(ViewFamilyType).ToElements()
    floorPlanId = ElementId.InvalidElementId
    for e in viewFamilyTypes:
        if isinstance(e, ViewFamilyType) and e.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.FloorPlan:
            floorPlanId = e.Id
    newfloorfinish = ViewPlan.Create(doc, floorPlanId,level.Id)
    level_elevation_param = level.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.LEVEL_ELEV)
    if level_elevation_param:
        level_elevation_param.Set(level_elevation_param.AsDouble() + floorthickness)
        print("Parameter LEVEL_ELEV not found")

    #variables for log
    def message(note, error):
        return "\n {}: {}\n".format(note, error)
    def annotation(note, error):
        with open(base_dir + "\log.txt", "a") as file:
            file.write(message(note, error))
    wsparam = newfloorfinish.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_PARTITION_PARAM)

    annotation(1,"no more candy in the shop")


The contentious code is here


The error says that you cannot modify read only parameters, for zero represents the worksetid.

Any help would be helpful.

At a quick glance - 0 isn’t a Worksetd. It is just a bool, integer or double.
A WorksetId is: WorksetId(0)

And you probably want some code there to make sure the project is work set enabled. I suggest just using an overload for your function.

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