Extension prevents addin application from executing

I’ve been messing with adding C# addins to pyrevit as extensions, and on their own they work fine, however, an application from my addin isn’t executing when the extension is loaded. Originally I used the same dll from the addin as a reference file for the extension but I created a separate dll thinking that was the issue and it still isn’t working. The application in question should execute on document creation to create a DataStorage object. Any ideas on where else I should be looking to debug this issue?

Hi @Monclops, sorry for the delay.

A few tips:

  • try to run the dll manually (in a pushbutton)
  • if that doesn’t work, try to ctrl+click on the button to see some debug messages.
  • if the c# code use dependencies, it might be that they’re not loaded properly. You can find more information on this here in in the forum or in the notion wiki.
  • if the manual way works and the problem is the document creation hook, you may try to change the logging level in the pyrevit settings (there will be plenty!) And see what happens there.