Explode and Remove Selected Group VS Select All Instances and Ungroup

Is there any Difference between “Explode and Remove Selected Groups” and “Select All Instances” + “Ungroup”, just curious.
I’m writing a manual for my collegues and I’m assessing which tools could be usefull to us.

This tool also works if you have a single instance of a group selected. Other than that not much really.

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greetings…How do you actually use this tool ‘Explode and Remove Selected Group’?
It sounds not complicated but when I have a single group instance selected and invoke the tool with a shortcut, it brought me out of Revit session and to an external folder “C:\Program Files\pyRevit-Master\extensions\pyRevitTools.extension\pyRevit.tab\Modify.panel\edit3.stack\Groups.pulldown\Explode And Remove Selected Groups.pushbutton”. That is it, group is still in Revit, not exploded or removed?
Why is that so?

Had further testing…apparently, the key I assigned to Explode&RemoveSelectedGrp was 3-key combination, that is Ctrl+Alt+G and it did not work. However, when I assigned 2-key combo shortcuts it worked with say Shift+F4. So which means pyRevit could not recognize 3-key combo shortcuts. That was according to what I have tested on Revit 2023.
Or alternatively if tool is invoked via Ribbon dropdown directly it also worked.
& strangely if assigned 4-key combo say Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G it worked, but took pyRevit slightly longer time (mili-seconds) to figure out its steps compared to 2-key combo.

In light of that…could that be a part of the wishlist to be able to assign 3-key combo shortcut for this tool (probably with other tools as well)?

3 keys combo do work. It may be an inconsistency between different shortcut combos.
And it has nothing to do with pyRevit, shortcuts are assigned to Revit commands by Revit.

Thanks…correction to my previous post…3-combo keys do work, provided the 3-combo does not include ALT. Something like Ctrl+Shift+Q did work but with a subsequent pyRevit dialog within Revit session stating that such action (explode+Remove group) has been taken. Whereas for Ctrl+Alt+Q it’ll take focus out of session and bring user out to external folder (C:\Program Files\pyRevit-Master\extensions\pyRevitTools.extension\pyRevit.tab\Modify.panel\edit3.stack\Groups.pulldown\Explode And Remove Selected Groups.pushbutton) previously mentioned.

Snip showing dialog after successfully executing tool via Ctrl+Shift+Q

hmm…is there a way to suppress the popping out of such ‘action taken’ dialog?

I guess no. Not by default.
Alt is being captured, if you click on the button to open the folder containing the script.

I ended up using the ‘F’ keys such as F1, F2 etc for ‘Explode and Remove Selected Groups’.
Thanks for expert advice…