Error installer Pyrevit for Revit2021.1

I get this message after installing pyrevit and opening Revit2021. However, in version 2023 it opens normally. I want a solution for version 2021, since in my work we use this version.

Hi Victor,
Your question is more suited for the gthub repo, similar issues related to

  • incompatibilities with installed addins (solved by deactivating all the addins one by one until finding the incompatible one thanks to diroots app manager, or uninstalling pyRevit)
  • wrong or incompatible engine ( set up a different engine through CLI or the Settings in the working UI)
  • old installs conflitcs
  • use of firewalls/antivirus such as Sentinel (Removing restrictions to the %appdata% folder)

Please search for similar issues here search in the issues
and if you cannot find a solution to your issue, fill in a new one here New issue