Elevation View Rotate

I am trying to create window elevations.
Here is an example using C# which I am trying to implement with pyRevit.
I can not get the view to rotate:
Part of code that uses the ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement

        eleMarker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(doc,viewFamilyTypeId,origin,initialViewScale)
        start_point = win_origin
        lineAsAxis = Line.CreateBound(start_point, XYZ(start_point.X,start_point.Y, start_point.Z + 1));

        print("Marker:{}  line:{}  angle:{}".format(eleMarker.Id,lineAsAxis,angle))

Full code block:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__title__   = "Elevate Windows"
__doc__ = """
Elevate Windows
Credit to: Erik Frits for his tutorial for starter data"""

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from pyrevit import forms

uidoc     = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument
doc       = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document #type: Document
app       = __revit__.Application

from math import radians

windows = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Windows).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()

dict_windows = {}
for win in windows:
    family_name = win.Symbol.Family.Name
    type_name   = Element.Name.GetValue(win.Symbol)
    key_name    = '{}_{}'.format(family_name, type_name)
    host = win.Host
    if type(host) == Wall:
        dict_windows[key_name] = win
        print('Unsupported Host for Window: {} [{}]'.format(key_name, win.Id))

# Transaction to Modify Project
t = Transaction(doc, 'Generate Window Sections')

for window_name, window in dict_windows.items():
        print("Processing " + window_name)
        win_origin = window.Location.Point          #type: XYZ
        print("Location: {}".format(win_origin))
        # Calculate Vector based on the Wall
        host_wall = window.Host
        curve     = host_wall.Location.Curve        #type: Curve
        pt_start  = curve.GetEndPoint(0)            #type: XYZ
        pt_end    = curve.GetEndPoint(1)            #type: XYZ
        vector    = pt_end - pt_start               #type: XYZ

        #3️ Get Window Size
        win_width  = window.Symbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.GENERIC_WIDTH).AsDouble()
        win_height = window.Symbol.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.WINDOW_HEIGHT).AsDouble() # ADJUST TO YOUR PARAMETERS!
        print("Window Width: {}  Window Height {}".format(win_width,win_height) )

        cm_40      = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(40, UnitTypeId.Centimeters) #40cm (Revit API takes unit in FEET!)
        win_depth  = cm_40
        offset     = cm_40

        #6️Create Section View
        view_types = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ViewFamilyType).ToElements()
        view_types_ele = [vt for vt in view_types if vt.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.Elevation]
        #view_elevation_type = [vt for vt in view_types_ele if vt.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString()=="B5 90 Window & Door Elevation"]

        origin = win_origin
        plan_view = doc.ActiveView
        angle = radians(10)

        eleMarker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(doc,viewFamilyTypeId,origin,initialViewScale)
        start_point = win_origin
        lineAsAxis = Line.CreateBound(start_point, XYZ(start_point.X,start_point.Y, start_point.Z + 1));

        print("Marker:{}  line:{}  angle:{}".format(eleMarker.Id,lineAsAxis,angle))
        ele_west = eleMarker.CreateElevation(doc,plan_view.Id,0)

        import traceback
        print('---\n ERROR:')

t.Commit() #

As in class remarks is stated “The orientation of an ElevationMarker is determined by the orientation of the views it hosts. You can check the orientation of any view by getting View.ViewDirection.” I would try first to create elevation view then rotate elevation marker.

        #print("Marker:{}  line:{}  angle:{}".format(eleMarker.Id,lineAsAxis,angle))
        ele_west = eleMarker.CreateElevation(doc,plan_view.Id,0)
        print("View:{}  line:{}  angle:{}".format(ele_west.Id,lineAsAxis,angle))

My apologies, I should have noted I did try to create and rotate the elevation view also before posting.

In the edited code snip above,
I create the view with eleMarker.Create Elevation, then try rotate the new view.
The code is executes,
The print statement, shows I am supplying a Line and Angle.
View:3444301 line:<Autodesk.Revit.DB.Line object at 0x0000000000000607 [Autodesk.Revit.DB.Line] angle:0.174532925199.

I have tried not using radiant, but no success yet to rotate the view.