Database from Revit

Hi guys,

I have noticed that many software applications have the ability to access the model and extract the database without even opening the file.

I know that with Dynamo and Python + PyRevit, I am able to extract the information of each element, and I know how to do that. However, I would like to write a script that, for example, extracts the same schedule every workday at the same hour without opening Revit.

Does anybody know if this is possible and where I should start to learn more about it?


Autodesk data exchange and forge are your best bet if you’re not a fully fledged software developer I’d say. Some solutions use journals to achieve this (so users still go in, but the app mines data in the background), whilst forge/APS gives you access to automation in the cloud.


late to the party

since my company isn’t really monitoring what people does, i did it for my own sanity, i have a hook that gets the user info for doc opening, doc syncing, and application start, it will then be saved in a csv, from there i created a notion page that gets those information via python script that is being synced via task scheduler. so it goes like this:

scheduled to be pushed hourly/every 3 hours by a separate python script


We talked about this just two weeks before this discussion started :wink:

And in april here

To run the script at a specified time, create a task in windows task scheduler.

is it free to use Api or charged per requests?

Forge/APS is a cloud based system so generally uses cloud tokens for most web based exchanges. This will be the likely future of most cloud services in future, free is generally not feasible for most given they are physically storing data for you somewhere.

It uses the flex token system I think, see here:

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