Creating a dimension to "fake" objects through revit API

I am working on a way to create a dimension in plan (and elevations and other flat views) between two points/planes.

I tried creating and getting a working reference from Reference Planes and Points. Reference planes get error that they are not geometry, hence I cannot create dimensions to them. Newly created points return None reference from Point.Reference method.

My goal is to have a method that I can give as an argument: two points and dimension-line offset-vector (or something simple of this sort). Do you know of a method to create a revit dimension between two programatically created objects?

If this fails Im considering making a mockup dimension from lines and textnotes which would give me bigger control and simplicity.

Hi @MPapke,
Can you please show the code you got so far?

Does this help?

It sounds promising, thank you! I may test it. For now I created a way to make dimensions with lines and textnotes instead so no code to share anymore.