from pyrevit import revit, DB
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import ImportInstance, Options, Line
# Get the active document and user interface document
uidoc = revit.uidoc
doc = revit.doc
# Get the active view (where detail lines will be created)
active_view = doc.ActiveView
# Get all ImportInstance elements (CAD links) in the project
CAD_links = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ImportInstance).ToElements()
# Initialize an empty set to store layer names
layer_names = set()
# Initialize a counter for bound curves
bound_curve_count = 0
# Start a transaction to modify the Revit document
t = DB.Transaction(doc, "Create Detail Lines from CAD Curves")
# Iterate through all the CAD links
for link in CAD_links:
link_cat = link.Category
link_sub_cats = link_cat.SubCategories
# Iterate through all the subcategories
for sub_cat in link_sub_cats:
options = Options()
options.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = False # Exclude non-visible objects if needed
# Check if the subcategory name matches "Grid" (adjust as needed)
if "Grid" in sub_cat.Name:
# Get the geometry of the subcategory
geometry = link.get_Geometry(options)
# Add the subcategory name to the set
# Iterate through the geometry objects
if geometry is not None:
for geom_obj in geometry:
# If geometry is a GeometryInstance (symbol)
if isinstance(geom_obj, DB.GeometryInstance):
instance_geometry = geom_obj.GetSymbolGeometry()
for inst_geom_obj in instance_geometry:
if isinstance(inst_geom_obj, DB.Curve):
# Skip unbound curves
if inst_geom_obj.IsBound:
# Create a Revit detail line from the curve in the active view
detail_line = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(active_view, inst_geom_obj)
bound_curve_count += 1
# If geometry is a Curve (line)
elif isinstance(geom_obj, DB.Curve):
# Skip unbound curves
if geom_obj.IsBound:
# Create a Revit detail line from the curve in the active view
detail_line = doc.Create.NewDetailCurve(active_view, geom_obj)
bound_curve_count += 1
# Commit the transaction
# Output the unique layer names
print("Layer Names: {}".format(layer_names))
# Output the total count of bound curves
print("Total number of bound curves: {}".format(bound_curve_count))
apply this script to create grid from cad link , but not create grid line.
any one have idea…