Copy Sheets: Adventures in drawing numbering

Hi all - I’m new to pyRevit, and am curious to know if anyone has experienced this issue:

  • Revit 2024.3
  • Workshared Model File, BIM 360
  • “Copy Sheets to Open Documents”
    I’ve set up a ‘general details’ catalog file with drafting views of common details arranged & numbered on sheet layouts. Our goal is to utilize the ‘copy sheets’ feature to create import these ‘sheeted & numbered’ details to multiple building model files that will reference these details, via callouts in sections, elevations, plans, etc.

The copy function has worked in other past projects, but with our current project, this function seems hellbent on renumbering most of the details on each sheet. The viewports arrive in placed correctly in our 12-square grid (more or less - sometimes they’ve shifted slightly) on their respective sheets, but somehow the drawing numbering has changed; 3, 10, 2, 4, 6…random, no discernable order or logic. No matter what we try (“publish”, close out, restart, etc.), the result is exactly the same. We’ve been manually re-numbering them.

It seems that pyRevit might be relying on some kind of cache here, and it’s overriding the most recent drawing updates. Any theories or proposed fixes would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @wtravisl,

I’m a bit of a noob so this might sound silly, but could you not renumber the details via the script you’re using to place them? As in, do everything you’re currently doing, then iterate through all your sheets and then renumber the details on them, based on whatever logic you want?

This is a little bit of extra work, and it assumes that you want to number the details based on their positions on the sheet or some other calculable property, but it’s certainly the way I would go about handling this problem.

Let me know if any of that is unclear.
