Categories of families

Please send a link to the categories of families. how to access them programmatically, for example I need cable trays.

Check that out. You have an example here for walls

and you will find the enumeration of builtin categories here

Categories are accessed from Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.<enumeration>, see the list of enumerations here.

See this small example for reference. It will look for all the cable trays in your model and will prints if its a channel or a ladder:

from Autodesk.Revit import DB

doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\

for tray in cable_tray_collector:

how to take a value from a given parameter?

while it comes out like this.

I’m not exactly sure that I understand what you mean, my guess is you want to search your parameter by name. If so you can use LookupParameter("<parameter name>")
See if you can get some useful information from this:

from Autodesk.Revit import DB

doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\

for tray in cable_tray_collector:
	print("Cable Tray {}: Length = {} mm".format(id,length))

Just note that if you are using Russian, the parameter name should also be in Russian when using LookupParameter

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your code seems fine except the .format(total_lenghth) in lieu of .format(total_volume) line 24

Hi.Jean-Marc,what could be the reason for the incorrect length of the tray?

unit types
check the units
revit is in imperial internally

check the raw data with revitlookup

I have installed ReitLookUp .
It turns out in the properties one number, and in the revitlookup


Hi @Andrey-SPGR ,

try my code:

from pyrevit import revit, DB

doc = revit.doc

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\



for tray in cable_tray_collector:



    print("Cable Tray {}: Length = {} mm".format(id,length))
  • i’d rather import pyrevit modules, personal preference here.
  • not use LookupParameter as it is a snake’s pit whenever you don’t use revit in ENU (English US)
  • revit doc with pyrevit can be grabbed by revit.doc
  • what you were looking at in RevitLookup tool seemed wrong (but I might be wrong)

it turns out to output the length separately. how now to get the total for the selected items?


quick and dirty like so

from pyrevit import revit, DB

doc = revit.doc

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\



total_length = 0

for tray in cable_tray_collector:



    total_length = total_length + length

    print("Cable Tray {}: Length = {} mm".format(id,length))

print("Total length for Cable Trays : {} mm".format(id,total_length))

but simpler: use the sum total builtin tool in pyrevit :slight_smile:

Jean-Marc, sorry for the importunity, but I get an error. :weary:

from pyrevit import revit, DB

doc = revit.doc

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_CableTray).WhereElementIsNotElementType()

total_length = 0

for tray in cable_tray_collector:



    total_length = total_length + length

    print("Cable Tray {}: Length = {} mm".format(id,length))

print("Total length for Cable Trays : {} mm".format(total_length))

code formatting in discourse… I did fix a small typo too

I get an empty window

from pyrevit import revit, DB

doc = revit.doc

cable_tray_collector = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_CableTray).WhereElementIsNotElementType()

total_length = 0

for tray in cable_tray_collector:



    total_length = total_length + int(length) # forgot to convert to int earlier

    print("Cable Tray {}: Length = {} mm".format(id,length))

print("Total length for Cable Trays : {} mm".format(total_length))

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thanks, Jean-Marc, it works. and how to output the trays selected by the frame, for example, if I select 2 trays?

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