Hi all,
I was wondering if there is a way to make “(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_MARK)” dynamic.
Is thinking along those lines inefficient? Am I missing something? I think there’s a way to achieve this, but I don’t want to map everything, especially if the API changes.
builtInParameterMap = {
# It's a tedious and risky task to map everything.
def get_parameter_value_provider(param_name):
Creates a ParameterValueProvider for a given parameter name string.
param_name (str): The name of the built-in parameter as a string.
ParameterValueProvider: The created ParameterValueProvider instance, or None if invalid name.
built_in_param = builtInParameterMap.get(param_name)
if built_in_param is not None:
return ParameterValueProvider(ElementId(built_in_param))
print(f"Parameter '{param_name}' not found.")
return None``
i can use
getattr(BuiltInParameter, param_name)
But what if I ask users to select the parameter? I have a situation where the description of the iterator doesn’t always align with the definition name.
all_elements = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(mydict[category]).ToElements()
# get the first element to fetch the parameters
src_element = list(all_elements)[0]
# get the parameters of the element
p_names = {p.Definition.Name: p.Id for p in src_element.Parameters}
param_name = forms.SelectFromList.show(p_names.keys(), button_name='Select Parameter', multiselect=False)
thank you in advance for your time