Batch Process Revit Model, who has expierence?

Hello Everyone,

Batch Process Revit Models (

does this anyone use? if yes, do you have an example?



i messed with it a fair bit in the start - but after a point, it felt like there was too much effort and we ended up starting to use imaginit clarity for all things batch process

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the issue is can i combine it with this ?

Open/close families add shared Parameters…



you might not need batch processing using the method you mentioned for this -
you can do it by looping over all the files from inside of Revit by making a pyrevit button

  1. get all families from the folder
  2. open them one by one and add the shared params
  3. close the family
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@revitislife ,

what does a batch process finally? do i only work with revitfiles or even other documents (.json, .csv)



batch process is generally helpful in a way that you don’t have to run the task manually from inside of Revit -
you can run the batch file through the task scheduler

you can batch process any kind of file using task scheduler if a python library exists for it to be honest