Animation gets a black screen on last commit

Im trying to create some animations in a Revit 3d view.
the way of work is essentially creating a new XYZ point that is slightly further than its former, commit and then refresh the invoking a UI refresh.
this goes pretty well up until what seems to be the last commit where the screen turns black for a few seconds and then the script is complete.
I think its the last commit because the screen returns from being black and only then my print of finished running is being printed.

currently Im just moving a truss Assembly slightly along the X axis

Maybe someone here has a better idea of whats going on

Revit 2021
my laptop has:
CPU: i7 10750H
GPU: nvidia GTX 1650TI


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__title__ = 'Animation'
__doc__ = """

import sys
import time

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *  
from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import *
# pyRevit

# .NET
import clr
from System.Collections.Generic import List
# List_example = List[ElementId]()

doc           = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document     # type: Document
uidoc         = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument              # type: UIDocument
selection     = uidoc.Selection                         # type: Selection

def move_element_with_animation(doc, element_id, start_position, end_position, steps, delay_ms):
    # Start a transaction for the entire animation process
    t = Transaction(doc, "Animate Element Movement")

    # Calculate the incremental movement per step
    movement_step = (end_position - start_position) / steps

    # Start with the initial position
    current_position = start_position

    for i in range(steps + 1):
        # Move the element incrementally
        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, element_id, movement_step)

        # Wait/delay to simulate animation (convert ms to seconds)
        time.sleep(delay_ms / 1000.0)


element = selection
if not element:
    print('No element has been selected, exiting script')

element_id = selection.GetElementIds()[0]
element = doc.GetElement(element_id)
old_point = element.Location.Point
# XYZ defaults to (0,0,0)
new_point = XYZ(old_point.X + 10.0, old_point.Y, old_point.Z)

move_element_with_animation(doc, element_id, old_point, new_point, 50, 10)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
print(50 * '-')
print('Script {{ {} }} has finished running'.format(__title__))

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thats funny :slight_smile:

it works i got no black screen, but for what is this, it very unconventionel, do a animation in revit. in particular - you do a change to the model :wink:

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Indeed very interesting, I am going to test it on my system, I just need to find a windows library for mouse hovering. Also attach it to a hook and whenever someone tries to pick an object it moves.
This would be a great Prank for sure.

Sorry guys I think open source is not for me.

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Well I tried it on a powerful PC and it work smooth. Turns out my laptop’s GPU is pretty trash.
Thank you guys anyways.