Add Shared Parameters

Title: Issues with Adding Shared Parameters to Generic Model In-Place Families in Revit

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on a Revit project where I need to add shared parameters to selected Generic Model In-Place Families. I’m using Python scripts with the Revit API, and the process involves selecting specific in-place families and adding custom shared parameters from a predefined shared parameters file.

The script works fine for adding the parameters, but I’ve encountered an unexpected issue:

Problem: The script is not only applying the parameters to the selected in-place families but also appears to be affecting future in-place families. I believe this is because the script modifies the document’s ParameterBindings, which applies to all instances of that category (Generic Model). This means any new in-place family created after running the script inherits these shared parameters, which is not the intended behavior.

What I Need:

  • I want the script to only add the parameters to the selected generic model in-place families, without affecting any new families created afterward or any other model-in-place family

If anyone has experience handling in-place families or dealing with shared parameters in a way that only affects specific instances, your guidance would be much appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
from Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions import InvalidOperationException
from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import ObjectType
import os, time
from pychilizer import database, units, select, geo
from pyrevit import forms, script, revit, DB
from dfl_matrix.load import main as load_main
from dfl_matrix.unload import main as unload_main
from dfl_matrix.folderpath import main as folderpath_main

# Initialize script output
output = script.get_output()

output.print_md("**Script Initiated** : Add DFL_Shared Parameters")

# Define the mapping of parameter groups
parameter_groups = {
    "Text": BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TEXT,
    "Identity Data": BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_IDENTITY_DATA,
    "Electrical": BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL,
    "Plumbing": BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PLUMBING,
    "Other": BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GENERAL,

def add_shared_parameter_to_in_place_family(doc, element, parameter_name, newDef, parameter_group, prefill_value=None):
        # Check if the parameter already exists
        param = element.LookupParameter(parameter_name)
        if param:
            output.print_md("Parameter '%s' already exists." % parameter_name)
        # Create a category set and add the category of the element
        category_set = doc.Application.Create.NewCategorySet()

        # Create an instance binding for the parameter
        instanceBinding = doc.Application.Create.NewInstanceBinding(category_set)

        # Determine the parameter group
        group = parameter_groups.get(parameter_group, BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_DATA)

        # Add the parameter to the document under the specified group
        bindingMap = doc.ParameterBindings
        bindingMap.Insert(newDef, instanceBinding, group)

        # Re-fetch the parameter after adding it
        param = element.LookupParameter(parameter_name)

        # Prefill the parameter with a value if provided and applicable
        if param and prefill_value is not None:
            if param.StorageType == StorageType.String:
            elif param.StorageType == StorageType.Double:
                param.Set(UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(float(prefill_value), DisplayUnitType.DUT_WATTS))
            elif param.StorageType == StorageType.Integer:
                output.print_md("Unsupported storage type for prefill value for '%s'." % parameter_name)

        output.print_md("Parameter '%s' successfully added." % parameter_name)

    except Exception as e:
        output.print_md("An error occurred while adding '%s': %s" % (parameter_name, str(e)))

def main():
    doc = revit.doc

    # Start timing the script
    start_time = time.time()

    # Use pychilizer's selection method to select Generic Model In-Place Families
    selection = select.select_with_cat_filter(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_GenericModel, "Select Generic Model In-Place Families")
    # Filter the selection for only In-Place Families
    in_place_families = [elem for elem in selection if hasattr(elem, 'Symbol') and elem.Symbol.Family.IsInPlace]
    if not in_place_families:
        forms.alert("No Generic Model In-Place Families selected.", exitscript=True)

    # Function to define folder paths (assuming this function exists)
    # Dynamically construct the shared parameters file path
    shared_params_file_path = os.path.join(
        "5. REVIT",
    output.print_md("**Shared parameters file path** : %s" % shared_params_file_path)

    # Load the shared parameters file once
    app = doc.Application
    app.SharedParametersFilename = shared_params_file_path
    sharedParamsFile = app.OpenSharedParameterFile()

    if not sharedParamsFile:
        output.print_md("No shared parameter file found.")

    # Specify the parameters to add and prefill values
    parameters_to_add = [
        {"name": "Equipment Code", "group": "Text", "prefill": None},
        {"name": "Equipment ID", "group": "Text", "prefill": None},
        {"name": "Spa Feature", "group": "Text", "prefill": None}

    # Start a single transaction for all operations
    t = Transaction(doc, "Add Shared Parameters to In-Place Families")

        # Add each parameter to each selected in-place family
        for param_data in parameters_to_add:
            # Find the parameter definition in the shared parameters file
            newDef = None
            for defGroup in sharedParamsFile.Groups:
                for defDef in defGroup.Definitions:
                    if defDef.Name == param_data["name"]:
                        newDef = defDef
                if newDef:

            if not newDef:
                output.print_md("Parameter definition for '%s' not found in shared parameter file." % param_data["name"])

            for element in in_place_families:
                add_shared_parameter_to_in_place_family(doc, element, param_data["name"], newDef, param_data["group"], param_data["prefill"])

        # Commit the transaction
        if t.GetStatus() == TransactionStatus.Started:

    except InvalidOperationException as ioex:
        output.print_md("Operation was cancelled or an error occurred: %s" % str(ioex))
        if t.GetStatus() == TransactionStatus.Started:

    except Exception as ex:
        output.print_md("An unexpected error occurred: %s" % str(ex))
        if t.GetStatus() == TransactionStatus.Started:

        # Ensure this block runs even if the transaction fails
        end_time = time.time()
        execution_time = end_time - start_time
        output.print_md("Execution Time: %.2f seconds" % execution_time)

# Run the main function in a try-finally block
    # Ensure the unload function is always called after main execution

Hi and welcome,

basically, you cannot, not like this.
This is the whole issue with inplace families.
to be able to add a shared param to a family, it needs to be a family! #ouroboro.
One way to tackle this is not to use in place fam in the first place.
You could use the pychilizer extension that has a script to take the volumes of your inplace fam and paste it in a generic model family template, making it a family.

:point_up: how many times have I written the word family :stuck_out_tongue:

from there, you can then edit the family and add your parameter

Thanks so much for the response, I changed the code to first convert it to loadable family and then apply shared parameters, it worked like a charm✨

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