Pyrevit tools translations guidance for noobs (and by a noob+) :)

I won’t go too much indepth as @eirannejad might have a broader way of making the translation happen (@eirannejad feel free to edit my post)

One way of doing it:

  1. make sure you have pyRevit CLI installed (in command line type: pyrevit env)

  2. setup github account here Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

  3. download github desktop you might want to use it to push your improvements to the pyRevit github repo

  4. from the pyrevit repo page

  5. then in the command line pyrevit clones add dev C:\pyRevit\dev to add your clone to pyRevit config file
    C:\pyRevit\dev being where I put my copy of the repo @ step 4

  6. using the CLI command pyrevit clones you should see your repo clone listed

  7. you will want to use this clone for your test by attaching it to Revit
    in the command line: pyrevit attach dev default --installed --allusers

  8. the pyRevit showing in your Revit should be the new clone now.

  9. you can now edit the yaml files the do the translation. translate the pushbutton bundles like discussed earlier

      fr_fr: Contrôle qualité
      en_us: Quality control
      fr_fr: Permet de collecter les données importantes du projet pour le modèle courant et les modèles liés
      en_us: Collect key data from the current model and its links

string” might be needed around the accentuated sentences

  1. to see it in action, save the yaml’s and then use the reload button in pyRevit but make sure to change the languages in the settings of pyRevit if you need to see your changes in different languages


  1. once you are happy with your changes, you can open github desktop and it will guide you to publish your changes

it will list you the changes

  1. you can then commit them like so

  2. once commited, you can push to the pyrevit repo but not directly, you need to create your own fork

  3. confirm

  4. you might have to push the commit again but to your fork now. anyway, a couple of clicks later your change has been send to your fork of pyRevit Repo

  5. you should see this in your repositories on github image

  6. time to create your pull request (PR) to tell the pyRevit master you contributed to its efforts by translating some buttons:

  1. put a title and a description and then create it

Then you are done
you done need to do this one file at a time.
make the translations and once satisfied push them in batch