Pyrevit 4.8.16 and 5.0 cannot both be on system?

I have downloaded and installed both versions 4.8.16 and the WIP 5.0. I installed them to two different folders.

I tried to install just the 5.0 hoping it would work with all versions, but I get an error in the pre-2025 versions and it won’t load. So I then try to load up both, but I can’t seem to get them both to work at the same time. Which ever one I reinstall last is the one that seems to work.

Please let me know if this just isn’t meant to work, if I should only have the 5.0 WIP version on the system, or what? If you need more info, let me know. I can get screenshots for you.

can you confirm that the error you get on 2023-2024 is similar to the issue logged here?

The Expectation is to be able to use Pyrevit 5 across all versions, please download the installer from the action below and install, it should fix it for now:
pyRevitCI · pyrevitlabs/pyRevit@a0c7874 (

I fixed the link :point_up_2: as it was a duplicate issue.
The fix is being treated. Expect a new WIP today or monday.
Sit tight.

@tayOthman, I did not take screenshots (which I should have, sorry) but those errors do look familiar, so I think that was one of the issues. That link that you provided however, downloads version I already had, which would be newer correct? @Jean-Marc says he is going to put out a new WIP today or tomorrow, so I’ll wait for that one. Thank you.

@Jean-Marc, thank you. I look forward to getting the updated file. Once I get that, I presume I should completely wipe off all older versions of pyRevit from the system, and then install the new. Could you post a link here in this topic once you have it please? Thank you!

@Jean-Marc and @tayOthman, I downloaded the new WIP file this morning and got version I uninstalled all versions of pyRevit from my system. Installed the admin_signed version of It works in 2025, but not earlier versions. I took a screenshot of the error and pasted it here. I hope this works. Thanks for the new WIP, but it looks like I’m back to for the moment. I’ll keep my eyes out for updates. Thanks for all of your hard work!

the fix haven’t been merged yet.

Fix runtime by sanzoghenzo · Pull Request #2384 · pyrevitlabs/pyRevit (

give it a couple of days.

@tayOthman Thank you! I saw that there was a new version number, so I figured that was the update @Jean-Marc was talking about. I will wait a couple more days! Thank you!

You will have to be a tad more generous


Couple != handful !=Bunch != Two