Learning Python---uidoc question

You are right Aaron, you will get it with time and experience. But here are a few pointers:

When searching in the code base you will get the definition of HOST_APP here

all the attached properties here in the _HostApplication Class object

The search and the symbol navigation have greatly improved in github in the past year or so. Use it.

Using the new and not yet publicized documentation, you will get there a bit quicker as well
The search is much more performant and the auto documentation itself is grabbing every variable, class, property and definition of the pyrevit libraries, not only some of them randomly like the previous readthedocs one.

and obviously, reading the code of others script does help.

credits to @sanzoghenzo for the refactoring of the documentation process and the quick start forum post

There is plenty of samples, sources for learning. But my best advice is to start small and incrementally grow your scripts and skills. Don’t start with a pet project that is too big.