This is how I’m hoping to use this updater by the way, nothing too complicated, right? It doesn’t find the exact width and length of rooms that are off-axis or funny shapes, but for a majority of rooms it should work.
from pyrevit import EXEC_PARAMS
from pyrevit import revit, DB
def round_to_nearest_inch(n):
return round(n * 12) / 12
doc = EXEC_PARAMS.event_args.GetDocument()
for room in revit.query.get_elements_by_class(DB.Room, doc=doc):
w = room.LookupParameter("Width")
l = room.LookupParameter("Length")
rBoundingBox = room.get_BoundingBox( None )
width = rBoundingBox.Max.X - rBoundingBox.Min.X
length = rBoundingBox.Max.Y - rBoundingBox.Min.Y