[fixing issues in pyrevit repo]

Hi all,

You probably visited once the pyrevit repository on github and noticed the 250+ issues still alive yesterday :fearful:

Hard to keep track of all bugs and issues, understand them and fix them to make pyRevit a sustainable tool for Revit and more.

So we (@eirannejad and I) closed issues older than a year or so. Some were irrelevant, some undocumented or stale.
If some of them are still relevant to you or the community, feel free to comment tagging me and I will open them again _ but please, give it some love: detail the issue or request, add images and relevant code or references.

That being said, help would be greatly appreciated in fixing the 42 issues that are still opened as of today.

If you feel up to the task, raise your hand, take an issue and get to fixing it:

  • Fork the repo,
  • Create a branch from develop branch with PR/issue number
  • And get to code and test it

I will post some easy to fix issues or feature request in the coming days so that we manage to get the issue count to a minimum


Note: next release is coming soon :heart_eyes:


Hi @Jean-Marc,

i’ll take a look at the issues i’m only a beginner at this and still learning a lot.
But the work you guys did with Pyrevit is amazing i want to return the favour!

Can’t promise to much but i’ll give it a shot a see where i can contribute :slight_smile: .


Hi @Jean-Marc ,
While I totally understand why, I’m not convinced on how you “solved” the issues by ignoring them.

A better approach could be done by usig some automations such as the close stale issues action that marks as stale the issues older than a predefined duration and closes them after x days if no activity is done around the issue (a simple comment would reset the timer).

Maybe, but only Ehsan has the necessary access and is not so much available.
We were trying to release the version for Revit 2024 the other in a working session. And just fixing the repo to work with the revit api changes took us 4 hours and we were not done.
So at one point, hard decisions were made. Everything is possible, but we all have a life and a job, and the number of people fully involved in the fixing of issues is extremly limited.

Only 4 people reacted to the 200 issues I closed without solving. I reopened the one that made sense.
Not all issues are equal, some require hours and loads of refactoring.

You can join forces and take 1 issue a day or a week and fix it @sanzoghenzo
Like I mentioned many times on the forum, feel free to join the effort.

Hello @Jean-Marc,

I did my best at solving my own issue!
I introduced the new optional argument sort_groups to the init.py file, added it to the description and to the example, raising a PyRevitException for wrong input. Everything works as expected.
Now my problem is that I really have no idea how github works, your description in the starting post is not detailed enough for me to understand :confused:

So please tell me if I can do anything more to help!
Full code posted in the thread below.

class SelectFromList(TemplateUserInputWindow):
        sort_groups (str, optional): 
            Determines the sorting type applied to the list groups. This attribute can take one of the following values:
                'sorted': This will sort the groups in standard alphabetical order
                'natural': This will sort the groups in a manner that is more intuitive for human perception, especially when there are numbers involved.
                'unsorted': The groups will maintain the original order in which they were provided, without any reordering.
                Defaults to 'sorted'.

        >>> from pyrevit import forms
        >>> ops = {'Sheet Set A': [viewsheet1, viewsheet2, viewsheet3],
        ...        'Sheet Set B': [viewsheet4, viewsheet5, viewsheet6]}
        >>> res = forms.SelectFromList.show(ops,
        ...                                 multiselect=True,
        ...                                 name_attr='Name',
        ...                                 group_selector_title='Sheet Sets',
        ...                                 button_name='Select Sheets',
        ...                                 sort_groups='sorted')
  • Fork the repo,
  • Create a branch from develop branch with PR/issue number
  • And get to code and test the it

Hi @Gerhard.P , happy to see you willing to get involved,

Here are a few references

There are plenty of article regarding obscure names like: forking, rebase, clone, … so I won’t add to that ocean of knowledge.

If I sum up a bit more clearly, whatever the tool you are using (VSCode, githubDesktop+VScode, pyCharm, …):

  1. fork the repo (create your copy of the repo under your own user)
  2. checkout a new branch from the develop branch (from the original branch on Ehsan’s version of the repo)
  3. make your changes in that branch
    1.you may want to attach this ‘clone of pyrevit’ to Revit to test it. That’s where pyRevit CLI is useful: pyrevit clone --help to get the isntructions on how you can create the clone from your copy of the code, but you will want to use pyrevit clones add <clone_name> <clone_path>
    2. pyrevit attach NameOfYourClone 2711 --allusers --installed to attach your clone to Revit
  4. make a PR to the develop branch of the original pyRevit repo (not your own fork, but your modified version from your fork againt Ehsan’s develop branch)
  5. add more commit to the PR (you can keep on editing the code, and commit the changes and it will automatically commit to the PR
  6. once someone gets the chance to test it and notify me or Ehsan, I can merge the PR and it will be processed by github. The CI-CD kicks in and create new wip installers
  7. if you are done, you can re-attach the regular install of pyrevit using pyrevit attach master 2711 --allusers --installed

Thank you very much @Jean-Marc for taking the time to explain, i can now see a tiny light at the end of the github tunnel :smiley:
If github crashes in the next days it was me, sorry in advance!

We are safe, the whole purpose of a git is the Versionning system ;p

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I´m lost :confused:

here´s what i did so far:

  • Fork Ehsan’s Repo on github
  • download Git from https://git-scm.com/
  • Clone my fork to my machine
  • Checkout dev branch with “checkout dev”

And now I´m confused because you sayd that i should checkout a branch from a branch from Ehsan. But I did just checkout the dev branch in my own clone, i thought I´m going to work on my own clone.

And i don´t understand “build the project”, do i really have to install all this that is mentioned in the help file:

<b>  * Requirements:</b>
    Install these tools before starting the build process. Add the binary
    directory for these tools to your system PATH. Run `check` to test

    dotnet SDK              for building labs (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet)
    Visual Studio:          for building labs (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/)
    └── msbuild                 building msi installers using Wix Tools
    └── certutil                managing signing certificate
    └── signtool                digitally signing binaries
    gcc                     for building sqlite package in telemetry server (http://mingw.org)
    go                      for building telemetry server (https://golang.org)
    Inno Setup Compiler     for buidling installers (https://jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php)
    └── iscc                    buidling installers from scripts
    choco                   for building and publishing choco packages (https://chocolatey.org)
    nuget                   for signing choco nuget package (https://www.nuget.org/downloads)
    Wix Tools               for building MSI installers (https://wixtoolset.org/releases/)
    pipenv                  for managing python virtual envs (https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/)
    python 2                for building docs (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
    python 3                for the build tools (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
    pygount                 for counting code lines (https://pypi.org/project/pygount/)
    git                     for creating release reports (https://git-scm.com)
    docker                  for telemetry server tests (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)

Starting from where you left, checking out the dev branch.

You need to build the project only if you change something in the csharp code base

Creating a specific branch to work on your changes is good practice.

  • create a branch from your dev branch with a name that make sense (ehsan’s has a page on notion that explains the naming convention he wants us to use)

  • you can create a PR right after your first commit onto ehsan’s dev branch.

Side notes:

  • If it is a draft, meaning you are not done you will need to indicate it.
  • You can keep on adding commit and they will automatically be added to the PR
  • Use the git extensions of your code editor to interact with the repos, it is much easier
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I finally did it by using Git GUI.
My coding software is notepad++ so there is no git extension :smiley:

Thanks for the help!

You definitely need to up your game using a decent code editor.
Pycharm or vscode

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And good job on your first contribution!